Monday, January 17, 2011

Urinary Problems In Ladies

cosmetics: deodorants and antiperspirants

Well, I personally have already banned a long time a certain type of deodorant, let's say I'm part of those who do not believe in absolutes but in doubt, always avoiding certain substances, however, a once read something "soothing" rather alarming! On the site ABC cosmetic the Italian Association of Cosmetic Companies found this' article, in my view, very interesting, on which everyone can then reflect and evaluate for themselves. Of course, even advice to the various links in the article itself:

An adult, simply doing normal daily activities, produces about a liter of sweat per day. But if it takes effort and physical activity, sweat a lot more. The sweating is a natural mechanism that serves to regulate body la temperatura interna. Eppure, causa imbarazzo: le goccioline di sudore sul viso e sui palmi delle mani o le chiazze bagnate sotto le ascelle e sulla schiena sono “biglietti da visita” poco graditi. Questo spiega perché i deodoranti e gli antitraspiranti sono fra i cosmetici più usati : regolano la sudorazione, mascherano gli odori, aiutano a mantenere la pelle fresca e asciutta. Proprio a causa di queste azioni sono talvolta oggetto di critiche. Poiché si tratta di prodotti di uso comune e giornaliero, è importante essere rassicurati sulla loro sicurezza.

Che cos’è il sudore 

Sweat is a fluid secreted by sweat glands, glands scattered 'throughout the human body. Only in the armpits, one of the less extensive areas of the body, there are between 25 and 50 000. The sweating is a natural phenomenon that serves to regulate body temperature . In fact, the sweat evaporates, it cools the surface of the body. That's why when the body is overheated, for example due to high temperature or intense physical activity, reacts with the production of sweat. In cold weather, however, decreases the production of sweat: so the heat it will not be wasted. Besides participating in the conservation and dissipation of heat, the sweat plays another important function: to establish, together with sebum produced by sebaceous glands, a protective film, which makes the skin elastic, hydrated and protected from germs environment. Contrary to popular belief, sweat by itself does not stink: it is an odorless and colorless liquid. Are bacteria that feed on sweat and focus in areas where it is produced in large quantities to enact bad smell.

Two different products

deodorants and antiperspirants, although both useful antiperspirants, act differently. Deodorants have a dual action: thanks to the contents of fragrances, give a feeling of freshness and mask the odor, while due to alcohol-based and other specific substances, antimicrobials, have an anti bacterial, bacteria that are contrary that cause the formation of unpleasant odors. Antiperspirants , however, in addition to possessing also some of the properties of deodorant (for example, the fragrance and freshness) act upstream regulating sweating: contain substances, such as aluminum salts or zirconium salts which, in contact with sweat, form a thin gel that temporarily closes the channel sweating (covers the sweat glands). Antiperspirants are thus able to reduce the amount of sweat released on the skin surface for a certain number of hours after application. Both products are available in various forms of delivery: spray, stick, roll-on, gel, cream.

no doubt about their safety

Some media and websites have moved to the criticisms of the safety of antiperspirants. In reality, these products, like all other cosmetics, can be considered safe products per la salute umana.
A garantire l’assenza di rischi gravi per il consumatore sono innanzitutto tre strumenti: le disposizioni di legge , i test eseguiti su base volontaria dalle industrie cosmetiche e le operazioni di sorveglianza .
Inoltre, sono stati condotti studi specifici su questo argomento, che confutano le critiche lanciate dai mezzi di comunicazione. Anche molti autorevoli esponenti della comunità medico-scientifica si sono pronunciati in favore degli antitraspiranti, affermando che non c’è alcuna evidenza che leghi l’uso di these products to risks to human health.

Evidence for the safety of their

Here are the main allegations in deodorants and antiperspirants often raised by the media and, for each, the scientific evidence.

1. The salts of aluminum from antiperspirants are harmful to human health.


should be noted that the aluminum is the third most abundant element on earth and is found naturally in food and drinking water, and in some pharmaceutical products. Consumer exposure to aluminum following the use of antiperspirants is irrelevant when compared to that arising from these sources.
In any case, the enormous amount of data available safety indicate no risk of adverse effects related to the use of cosmetic products containing aluminum.
Finally, note that the regulation of cosmetics establish which substances which can not be used in cosmetics . The aluminum salts are not part of this list means that were considered safe according to the criteria established by the legislation.

2. Antiperspirants, closing at the moment channel sweating, prevent toxins being expelled. Consequently, they favor an intoxication of the organism.


Almost all of the toxins is eliminated through the liver and kidneys (through urine and faeces) and not through the sweat. If the toxins were excreted primarily through sweating, people who live in cold climates would be disadvantaged and suffer high levels of general intoxication.
Moreover, antiperspirants are applied only in the armpits and the sweat that is produced by sweat glands in the armpits present costituisce una piccola parte (circa l’1%) del sudore totale perso attraverso la pelle ogni giorno.
3. Gli antitraspiranti aumentano il rischio di tumore al seno.

Da anni circolano notizie secondo cui il rischio di sviluppare un tumore al seno sarebbe associato all’utilizzo di deodoranti antitraspiranti. Le principali accuse sono le seguenti.

  • Le tossine e le scorie trattenute a livello delle ascelle, a causa dell’azione ostruttiva esercitata dagli antitraspiranti, favoriscono lo sviluppo del tumore al seno. Non a caso la Most cases of breast cancer is found in the upper outer quadrant of the breast, which is near the area on which it is applied antiperspirant deodorant.

  • A message was also added that some publications Dr. Philippa Darbre of scientific , a researcher at Reading University (UK) that almost every year, indicates that could lead antiperspirants breast cancer. According to Dr. Darbre, antiperspirants are dangerous because of the presence of parabens (preservatives, see link) and aluminum salts. Parabens, in fact, were found in trace amounts in tumor tissue, aluminum salts, however, interfere with hormone receptors estrogen (female hormones that seem to facilitate the appearance of breast cancer) causing the development of cancer.


Since the real causes of breast cancer have not yet been finally clarified by the scientific and medical world, it is understandable how these critics, most of the others, has and continues to generate great concern among people who use antiperspirants. In fact, there is no evidence of a link between breast cancer and use of antiperspirants.

- First, as explained above, toxins are not expelled by the sweat practically and in any case, not only with the one produced in the underarms (which is minimal compared to the total amount ).

- Secondly, the safety of parabens has been demonstrated in numerous scientific studies. Like all cosmetic ingredients, are safe for human health and do not present a risk to the consumer. The same, as explained above, is true for aluminum salts.

- In addition, several studies have ruled in any way incontrovertible link between the use of antiperspirants in the armpit and breast cancer . Even the most famous oncologists have highlighted the lack of scientific or clinical evidence linking the use of antiperspirants with breast cancer .

- In conclusion, we can say that there are no scientific studies or other evidence demonstrating any link between antiperspirant use and developing breast cancer.


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