Friday, September 19, 2008
What A Vajina Looks Like
rock band
La Harmonix Music Systems ha iniziato a lavorare a questo progetto appena è stata acquisita da MTV Games, lasciando la precedente serie di Guitar Hero in mano a Neversoft che continua a svilupparla per conto di Red Octane (che ora è parte di Activision). Questo gioco ne riprende, però, le meccaniche e ne espande le caratteristiche tentando di simulare l'esibizione non più di una sola chitarra o di un basso, ma di una band intera. Per riuscirvi, il gioco adotta un controller a forma di chitarra che funziona in maniera analoga a quello di Guitar hero (vedi SG Guitar Hero), ma con in più altri 5 tasti alla base del manico (allo scopo di facilitare gli assoli). Sono inoltre disponibili dei controller in the shape of drums and a microphone to carry out the drums and singing. The method of play is similar to that of the battery of guitar and bass (see below the section "Terms"), while the vocals for the development team decided to take the gameplay of the Singstar series.
This game has the following features: as already written, it replicates the work of an entire band, offers the opportunity to compete online and also allows you to download additional songs, the latter features are also present in the "rival" Guitar Hero III : Legends of Rock. These two functions are not in the Playstation 2 version of the game, while the Wii version will probably but not the online downloadable content (the software house has held up as a key reason that the console has a hard disk to store data). In response to the lag problems that fans of Guitar Hero had advanced against Harmonix in the past, were included in the game different calibration methods to enable it to be displayed correctly on each type of TV. It has also added an editor that allows you to create a custom guitar, complete with a choice of hairstyles and tattoos.
Distribution [edit]
The game was released in England, France and Germany as an exclusive time for Xbox 360 May 23, 2008 and then published for other console during the summer, the game was originally listed for European soil for March 2008 but was postponed by two months to be able to make a version for PlayStation 2 and one for the Nintendo Wii, not initially planned.
The mismanagement of importation into Europe of one-game bundle of all-inclusive is the only currently existing take-made to those of the EA (the main Linux distributions which manages the game for the European soil), the unfortunate choice of double make a direct conversion price for the dollar-euro and to remove the game from the same bundle with the result that the expenditure required to buy everything had gone up so much that the game was released only in some states and Italy was not tra questi. Il gioco venne pubblicato alcuni mesi dopo anche in Italia ma ad un prezzo ancora più alto che nel resto dell'Europa. Recentemente è stato annunciato un taglio sul prezzo del bundle degli strumenti.[1]
Successivamente è stata annunciata la pubblicazione del gioco anche sul suolo giapponese con l'inclusione di alcuni brani pensati appositamente per quel mercato ma la sua data di rilascio è attualmente ancora sconosciuta.
Gameplay [modifica]
Per ogni nota suonata viene elargito un certo punteggio. Più note si suoneranno di fila e più aumenterà questo punteggio per effetto di un moltiplicatore. Sul moltiplicatore può intervenire (raddoppiandolo) l'Overdrive, che altro non which is the equivalent of Star Power in Guitar Hero: This is a bar that fills up when you play the notes and white, once filled the bar enough, you can use it by tilting the controller in the case of playing drums a note attached to the end of a section of "free" (those in which you can do whatever you like) while the microphone is activated when the scroll bar where the words will turn yellow and it's up to the player take the opportunity to implement his score. Unlike what happens in Guitar hero, the star power will be individual and they will not have to activate two or more players simultaneously.
Gameplay [edit]
As is the case for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, including Rock Band game modes are: * World Tour
band - is the multiplayer you can play from 2 to 4 players, each will play one of the following Role: guitarist, drummer, bassist and singer. The cooperative version will contain the songs are not in the solo career. In this mode, players will find themselves facing a real career by emerging band to become a successful band. At first, each player will create his virtual alter ego and then finds himself having to decide which city to start their path can be chosen among 17 world cities, including New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Seattle, London, Stockholm and Rome, in all there are as many as 41 real locations in which to play. After the first concert the band will choose what to do with his first money: for example, could buy a vehicle to get to play in nearby cities (up to buy a private plane to get on all continents), or could buy new accessories to personalize their character. There is also a game in the Art-Editor with which you can create the logo of their group. As the game will increase to handle things: you will have to deal with managers, drivers, security, special effects and so on. A curious aspect is the ability to choose whether to make their concerts for charity (To get more fans, but less money) or do some shows sold out (more money but fewer fans). The game in practice to simulate a "Real Life Rock Band" with all its positive and negative experiences that are today emerging bands. The version of the game just described is only playable with four people on the same console, the others how to start fast or else both are playable with friends online with a combination of more people on the console with people online. The PlayStation 2 version did not support online multiplayer only allows more players on the same console. The other multiplayer modes are supported on the head to head duel and there is not even possible face the same adventure of Band World Tour as described above. * World
solo tour - the equivalent of career multiplayer but without the choices that characterize the multiplayer counterpart. It deals with the songs divided into blocks of 4-5 songs, and, as they are completed, you unlock the successive groups of songs and it makes them available in Quick Launch mode. The performance of the songs leads to a monetary compensation which is required to unlock all the bonus material ranging from guitars to add new characters (the money can be moved from his solo career from that band and vice versa). As a solo career one is available to any instrument except the bass.
* Fast Start - Here has the opportunity to play a song immediately
* Tutorial - Here you can do two things: either learn to play by the tutorial, or deepen a song especially difficult in practice by studying how a specific passage or slowing its speed.
Taken from Wikipedia and Restated
post posted by Ema
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