In 2008, the Central African state of Leboa-Sako, the government falls. Immediately, formed two factions fighting each other. The United Front for Labour and Liberty (UFLL) led by Addi Mbantuwe, a ruthless warlord and the Alliance for Pupular Resistance (APR), commanded by former army major Tambosso Oliver. Although the APR is an advantage, the fight is fierce. In this situation, many civilians fled, leaving the place to hordes of mercenaries, known as independent activists now argue that this time the faction, or acting for their personal gain. Every single weapon used by the factions and mercenaries was made by a ruthless arms dealer and mad, The Jackal, the Jackal. The purpose of the protagonist, a terrible choice between nine mercenaries, is to find and kill the Jackal, putting an end to the conflict. To do so, that will serve both Mbantuwe Tambosso in exchange for diamonds and information, cooperating with altri otto compagni, giornalisti d'assalto e preti.
Modalità di gioco
Lo scopo del gioco, ambientato in Africa , sarà quello di assassinare un pericoloso mercante d'armi soprannominato "The Jackal" (Lo Sciacallo); per farlo sarà possibile interpretare uno degli otto personaggi disponibili, e grazie ad un sistema di gioco " sandbox " il giocatore potrà ad esempio allearsi con una delle fazioni di mercenari presenti, così come mettersi contro un'altra.
Luogo e Tempo

The game is set in Africa , one of the many Central Africans were torn apart by bloody civil wars. The player can move through different means, such as trucks, cars, SUVs, boats, gliders and many other means. All this happens in real time and in about 50 km in the open areas typical of the African continent ranging from desert to savannah, from jungle to desert and, with the new graphics engine called Dunia engine created specifically for Far Cry 2, you can enjoy a day-night cycle, musica dinamica e ambienti realistici spesso distruttibili; in particolare il fuoco può propagarsi in maniera particolarmente realistica.
Nel luglio 2007, Ubisoft ha inviato una squadra di sviluppatori in Africa per svolgere una più approfondita ricerca per il gioco e alcuni membri del team di Ubisoft Montreal hanno trascorso 2 settimane in diversi luoghi del continente africano e nelle aree intorno al kenya per compiere riprese fotografiche reali di fauna selvatica. Il team ha utilizzato quindi in fase di sviluppo il materiale per riprodurre un ambiente quanto più realistico possibile.
Caratteristiche e interazione
The Dunia allows the player to interact with the environment, whether it's broken because it hit a bush with the car or a house damaged by a grenade or a bazooka shot, allowing the player to find ways to complete missions. For example: You can use Molotov cocktails to set fire to dry grass and the fire propagerà, triggering explosives, killing the enemies he will encounter in its path. The same is true of the huts or firing of explosives near the grass. The game also manages the time and weather changes, they too affect the player in the missions. At night you can sneak in the camps, the rain weakens the effects of fire and velocizza il deterioramento delle armi.
A cura di Alessandro
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