incredible victory!
was a long time that it was impossible in such an undertaking.
Despite this thrilling win one thing is certain: "Meritamo more"
E 'the choir of the already mentioned Curva Fiesole (unfortunately) recently in other circumstances
We risked a lot and we finally won a game in an incredible way against Won Brescia a much altered but we had put in for 0-2!
A Brescia with many absences in defense but which spells against Fiorentina at the trot without a game, no whip, insipid
Dear Sinisa hope that this comeback is a good omen because beating the game and performance have always been disastrous and the time is ... scaduto !
Come si fa a continuare a giocare con Cerci che è a dir poco irritante?
Per fortuna esce per infortunio perchè è tra i peggiori e in buona (cattiva) compagnia,... c'è l'imbarazzo della scelta per dire chi è il peggio ! Sinisa !!!
Come si fa a giocare con solo 2 a centrocampo ed essere sistematicamente ridicolizzati ?
Corvino, dopo anni siamo costretti a schierare Pasqual a sinistra unico nel ruolo (del Gulan ancora più scarso si sono perse le traccie)
Pasqual è già seconda volta consecutiva that is done "burger" and take the first goal on his side!
fact, 0-1 Diamond who played well in the Florentia Viola 3 times and sold to Prato (...) Goal 10 and praise, but taken from a player who was in hibernation for months, waiting for the Easter

Cordova 0-2
Boruc? Late, late in net as the team
0-2 after the first 45 minutes
E 'crazy stuff!

Too many errors on the errors that we are doing sinking into a pitch dark!

like the best film with a happy ending with the goal of kid Ljiajc gives three points to be saved, at least momentarily, from the abyss into which we had sunk to mid-afternoon.
Stop mediocre to bad players, Sinisa away if the team does not immediately change gears. Urge find harmony, play, peace and put an end to the poisons
start from where we are now, among the last, all right!
Enough with the history of the Champions League the previous season, 2 of which do not play now are 2 years in the league we laugh
To resolve this we pass inevitably from the head, ... we need PRESIDENT Andrea Della Valle missing for a year and a half! Back! How beautiful it was yesterday when he said
"... for a start I return as President ......"
should be the first to get back on track even in the shape, charge and even more so in substance
Andrea back in person at the helm of the company.
is now in urgent
Andrea and above all, perhaps with a renewed Diego side, must not only economically, take matters in hand and turn the tide of decline evident
Lo si deve a noi tifosi viola e al vostro buon nome di imprenditori di successo
Visto che Don Diego ha detto di rivolgersi a te Andrea vedi di tornare a dirigere le operazioni in prima persona dando un segnale forte ai tifosi, alla squadra e agli avversari
Metti fine alle deliranti esternazioni di Corvino che ci rinfaccia un passato troppo lontano scordandosi il disastroso lavoro sulla prima squadra degli ultimi 2 anni
Il Pantaleo deve ri-tornare a parlare dopo aver recuperato questi 2 anni scellerati dove ha sperperato tanti milioni inutilmente
E' simpatico, picturesque but now no longer seen anyone laugh schappe genuine person who has contracted in its history
Pantaleo can do it but in silence, facts not words
His nursery is starting to pay its fruits but the first team to re-establish long
Think again President and act urgently because even the words of today there is no trace of this hope that has long
not We can only hope that a warm in the disclosed CDA to be held in spring and in the meantime we sail to view blacks between clouds and lightning
Andrea Della Valle (for now our former President) to the sky after match
No in settimana sono stato insieme con i ragazzi dopo questa spiacevole situazione e abbiamo parlato con tutti... Sono cose che rattristano molto, soprattutto per il rapporto che avevo con il con il giocatore, con Adrian, ha fatto una cosa gravissima e adesso valuteremo nelle vie legali, soprattutto contro il suo procuratore che ha detto delle cose brutte e false e ci dovremo tutelare nelle sedi opportune,
come va a finire questa storia... ? Ci dovremo tutelare, siamo stati offesi anche nelle persone noi stessi, nei mie dirigenti, quando si dice e si dichiara il falso, per quel che mi riguarda a quel punto sono gli avvocati che ne devono discutere, ... è anche difficile parlarne adesso, in questo momento il giocatore è fuori mercato, lo dico adesso con la mia ufficialità, risolveremo la situazione con lui, è un anno che gli sono stato vicino, abbiamo fatto le cose tutte insieme, non stiamo a parlare dei dettagli, ... Il giocatore è fuori mercato e fuori rosa in questo momento (....) abbandona l'allenamento prima di un ritiro, ... lo considero fuori mercato, ... la parola punizione I do not like ... you know what you think about it for many things over the years, at this time for how he behaved after the assistance that we gave in this year, so many things, many, do so without respect for his teammates who have been a few hours from Bologna to see the boy who went under the advice of his attorney, ... This applies to everyone, and as if my manager of my company a one morning wakes up and says ... ok, I go, I do not come to his meeting, he is an affiliated Fiorentina and he's gone, there are strict rules that I have not written I wrote to the federation.
The report cards
Boruc 5
First goal is a detour, but got the second goal ... jumps after the band. There are also other uncertainties that could cost the third goal. Setbacks
Fight is a young and on which we can hope
could do little about the goal
not easy to play this game species if you're young and your third appearance among the owners. Half a point ahead because he is young and there are hopes
arrabatta but is on his side come the opponents goal as to Bologna and the first of today. Also unfortunate
disoriented and out of breath and ideas in a non-existent midfield Viola also in the form. Exit at 12 th minute later
Ljajic 6.5
Guess the third corner of the goal that saves everyone including himself
Montolivo 6
On 6 deserves it for trying hard and for his invention in the action leading to the first goal of comeback Gilardino. Certainly it is not assisted by fellow departments and from the module. Exit at the 34th second tempo ma resta in panca con la squadra, e fa bene
gioca un quarto d'ora. troppo poco
Sembra che ci prenda per i fondelli con quel passo felpato che non porta a niente
Esce per un problema muscolare al 40° minuto del primo tempo
In tone and inaccurate
addition to the goal of balance is among the first to react and fight after an uncertain start
In large dusting
Babacar 6
begins and ends well, is young and fight
has the merit of being found more often at the end and make a beautiful goal in the comeback with a header of his
There we are with the game, with the approach and with the form. It will be soon?
The comeback was possible for the opponent well below and modified with time off and does not stand up at the bottom of the double advantage
Heartened hugs the players but we hope to have seen the bottom and start to play and results in the next trip to Naples
Fight is a young and on which we can hope
could do little about the goal
not easy to play this game species if you're young and your third appearance among the owners. Half a point ahead because he is young and there are hopes
arrabatta but is on his side come the opponents goal as to Bologna and the first of today. Also unfortunate
disoriented and out of breath and ideas in a non-existent midfield Viola also in the form. Exit at 12 th minute later
Ljajic 6.5
Guess the third corner of the goal that saves everyone including himself
Montolivo 6
On 6 deserves it for trying hard and for his invention in the action leading to the first goal of comeback Gilardino. Certainly it is not assisted by fellow departments and from the module. Exit at the 34th second tempo ma resta in panca con la squadra, e fa bene
gioca un quarto d'ora. troppo poco
Sembra che ci prenda per i fondelli con quel passo felpato che non porta a niente
Esce per un problema muscolare al 40° minuto del primo tempo
In tone and inaccurate
addition to the goal of balance is among the first to react and fight after an uncertain start
In large dusting
Babacar 6
begins and ends well, is young and fight
has the merit of being found more often at the end and make a beautiful goal in the comeback with a header of his
There we are with the game, with the approach and with the form. It will be soon?
The comeback was possible for the opponent well below and modified with time off and does not stand up at the bottom of the double advantage
Heartened hugs the players but we hope to have seen the bottom and start to play and results in the next trip to Naples
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