Come era gia accaduto con il quarto capitolo delle serie, anche Gran Turismo 5 si presenta, prima dell’uscita della versione completa, con una versione Prologue, un biglietto da vista di tutto rispetto per quello che si prepara ad essere un titolo assolutamente imprescindibile per gli appassionati di giochi di guida su PS3.
Per essere solo un “assaggio”del titolo completo, that this Prologue is more substantial: You will indeed have 76 well-branded cars such as Ferrari
, Nissan and Volkswagen, to drive on six major circuits that include tracks such as Daytona or Suzaki city tours and breathtaking as what you be able to visit central London. Through an elegant game menu, go to the multiplayer mode, with the option, the garage and of course the main mode of the game that offers as many as 30 challenges that you'll start to jump from the start by choosing a vehicle starting and launching into one of events available, in which, if you wish, you can enjoy some "help" to know the speed and the path best suited to make the journey. Of course, you can invest the money earned into new and more powerful cars, opening the way for direct competition more challenging (without having to pass additional tests), which include, in addition to the normal competitions for up to sixteen cars, including challenges to time and other
Per essere solo un “assaggio”del titolo completo, that this Prologue is more substantial: You will indeed have 76 well-branded cars such as Ferrari

From a technical standpoint, GT 5 Prologue is a feast for the eyes, particularly with regard to models of cars, manicured and true to life to almost photorealistic. We only notice to such visual splendor of the jewels can be modeled by resistance to all damage and dents Polyphony (historical problem of the series, which will finally its solution in the full version of GT 5). However, apart from this detail, the physics of the game is impeccable. In addition, for the first time you can see inside your ride, thanks to first-person view that allows you to appreciate the great care with which

Genre: Driving
development: Polypohony
Manufacturer: Sony
Output: Available
Platform: PS3
Rating: 94%
By Alessandro
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