When it comes to stealth games, three videogame heroes that come to mind: Solid Snake, Gabe Logan, Seam Fisher. In this new series of stealth games, Splinter Cell, will have to choose whether to continue his mission for the NSA, or to join the terrorist group (JBA). This situation of uncertainty, as well as being the key factor of the new title Ubi Soft it is one of the most irritating of Sam's debut on PS3. during the game levels will be present to make choices from. On the basis of our decisions, we will continue to keep a high profile for the 'NSA or we get closer to the terrorist group, on a mission if it has to eliminate a journalist introduced in Headquarters (JBA), instead the' NSA will award us the opposite. Double Agent follows the spread characteristics of the previous chapters of the saga.

Distributor: Ubi Soft Developer
: Inside
Manufacturer: Ubi Soft
Genre: Action / Steahl
Recommended Age: 13 +
Players: 1 / 4
Platform: PS3
Rating: 70%
By Alessandro
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