Although immediately after the review by FFA 09 ... I got the urge to put them in comparison!
Rather than dispel all the concerns raised by a decision from its previous edition, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 neconferma weaknesses of facts, without showing too many signs of recovery ...
While proposing a gaming experience is effective, the work of the team led by Shingo Takasukanon therefore unable to go beyond the revival of a cloth that everyone now knows by heart. Except
for yet another update of the mechanics of shooting and return to a more considered pace of the game, which abolishes most odious dynamics pinball that had compromised the gameplay of the 2008, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 has in fact not much more to say . A disappointment all the more poignant when you consider that, in addition to not having undergone any kind of increase, the AI \u200b\u200bseems more logical than a year old.
Each successive matches, many of the artifacts that once would have ignored perhaps become so obvious flaws: the lack of support of teammates who properly interpret the tackle and defensive schemes in fact aggravates the presence more or less intolerable imbalances between the return of some players than others with similar effects. And as if that were not enough, soon there is a growing feeling that the success of some operations depend more on their ability to interact with the pad, rather than by the construction of coherent tactical plots. And
If, as noted above, the implementation of the Champions League license is solved only in a mere red herring, given the absence of many of the teams currently involved in real competition, some good news comes instead from the Become a Legend mode.
substantially similar to the Be A Pro mode in FIFA 08 already proposed, it offers the opportunity to play a single player through a career rather than articulated, whose unraveling will be duly noted by comprehensive statistical contributions. By supporting a very dynamic visual function, the option becomes a Legend certainly embodies the pride of the whole project, and it is our opinion that the revival of the franchise may be linked to its own potential development.
Genre: Sport
Piattaforma: PS2 PS3 PSP XBox 360 Wii DS
Produttore: Konami
Distributore: Halifax
Pubblischer: Konami
PEGI: +3
Voto: 76%
A cura di Nicola
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