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Sarebbe senza dubbio superfluo iniziare a parlare di FIFA 09sottolineando il peso del suo comparto grafico. Ecco perché preferiamo puntare subito il nostro obiettivo su elementi quali la fisica alla base del gameplay e la rispettiva gestione dell’Intelligenza Artificiale.
Generalmente definiti dai detrattori come lo storico tallone d’Achille di questo marchio, tali fattori sono andati in effetti incontro ad un evoluzione senza precedenti che, coadiuvata da una perfetta calibrazione del peso dei giocatori, del ritmo di gioco e delle routine di movimento del pallone, ha finalmente conferito il giusto equilibrio alle dinamiche delle partite che andremo ad affrontare.
Liberatosi da quel latente retrogusto arcade che spesso finiva col comprometterne the credibility of the concept, then FIFA 09 oozes from every animation realism, consistency from any rebound, shoot from any harmony, contrast and embodiment of each reason of any tactical maneuver. Targets detected both in the way players interpret the patterns that we adopt, both in logical rigor with which they follow the unfolding of actions, not excluding the lot from their ability to aim at continuing to trade on the fly, a through ball and triangulations whatsoever.
of privilege that were once considered an exclusive prerogative of Pro Evolution Soccer, takes a clear meaning even more pronounced when combined with the usual range of officially licensed and managerial parameters available to FIFA 09. That quality which, for a long time, was defined only like a fleeting "Pyrrhic victory", is now made to be able to further amplify the quality gap that separates the two antagonists. And not merely refresh the sun rose the teams or the attributes of its general componenti.A worse, also comes the introduction of a new version of the already popular Be a Pro Mode in FIFA 08 online option that cucirci in the shoes of a young talent to seek his fortune, this time we ask to face competition and ranks to become part of the team's most prestigious conquer the world and maybe un'agognata international call-up.

Generalmente definiti dai detrattori come lo storico tallone d’Achille di questo marchio, tali fattori sono andati in effetti incontro ad un evoluzione senza precedenti che, coadiuvata da una perfetta calibrazione del peso dei giocatori, del ritmo di gioco e delle routine di movimento del pallone, ha finalmente conferito il giusto equilibrio alle dinamiche delle partite che andremo ad affrontare.
Liberatosi da quel latente retrogusto arcade che spesso finiva col comprometterne the credibility of the concept, then FIFA 09 oozes from every animation realism, consistency from any rebound, shoot from any harmony, contrast and embodiment of each reason of any tactical maneuver. Targets detected both in the way players interpret the patterns that we adopt, both in logical rigor with which they follow the unfolding of actions, not excluding the lot from their ability to aim at continuing to trade on the fly, a through ball and triangulations whatsoever.
of privilege that were once considered an exclusive prerogative of Pro Evolution Soccer, takes a clear meaning even more pronounced when combined with the usual range of officially licensed and managerial parameters available to FIFA 09. That quality which, for a long time, was defined only like a fleeting "Pyrrhic victory", is now made to be able to further amplify the quality gap that separates the two antagonists. And not merely refresh the sun rose the teams or the attributes of its general componenti.A worse, also comes the introduction of a new version of the already popular Be a Pro Mode in FIFA 08 online option that cucirci in the shoes of a young talent to seek his fortune, this time we ask to face competition and ranks to become part of the team's most prestigious conquer the world and maybe un'agognata international call-up.
In other words, FIFA 09 is the fulfillment of a dream that gamers and developers have really pursued for years and years.
Genre: Sport
Platform: PS3 PSP Wii DS Xbox 360 PC
Manufacturer: EA
Distributor Halifax
Pubblischer: EA Sports
PEGI: +3
Voto: 92%
Preso e rielaborato da wikipedia
A cura di Nicola
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