Halo 3 is a game that will mark the history of the Xbox 360 and the entire generation for both the multiplayer and all the multimedia capabilities that can show off and we have deliberately only touched in the review . Our only concern is that Bungie could (and perhaps should) look for more from the point of view the comparison chart with the flagship titles of the next-generation, even if ultimately the impact on the title screen is more than egregious.
The Halo 3 thing that differs from earlier versions is mainly that in addition to being sold for PC and Xbox 360, for the first time it is sold for the PSP. This is of course the most important news from the perspective of the market, but many things are changed mainly because of Halo 2. Why? Well, from my point of view, especially for the plot, look at these: Now that Halo: "I have almost extinct Covenat humanity, only one group is left to save the earth, and such a person agrees to become a Master Chief, a andride 10 times a strong Marines, and it's up to him to save the earth. "fanisce destroying the game Halo, the ring exactly. why Halo 2 was a surprise, in fact, there was the addition of the Heretic, new species, new weapons and vehicles, demons, prophets and Arbiter, in fact the plot is even more exciting, "the elite that blew Halo was declared a heretic, and therefore the Covenat dinuovo have invaded the land, after a while the heretic was promoted Arbiter (the strongest), after Master Chief and the Arbiter meet each other and create a semi-allenaza "The game ends when the prophet will have a Truth always win. With this plot, the game incredibly divnta emozioante, being able to use four characters (Master Chief, Arbiter and two followers dell'Arbiter).
The new maps are very attractive and accessible directly.
The Halo universe is not limited, however, with the campaign, but offers many other ways in which to spend our free time and different from the classic multi-player game.
The first example of how this list is "Cinema" in which we review our achievements (both single-and multi-player) via an external camera that will allow us to explore the field of battle. Using this method, therefore, is not only rewarding but also allows us to further believe in the existence of a world that "lives" of the là di Master Chief, senza contare che i giocatori più riflessivi potranno elaborare strategie osservando il comportamento dei nemici ed il terreno di scontro.
Altrettanto rivoluzionaria è la modalità "Fucina" che permette di creare veri e propri mod di mappe da condividere con i propri amici: sebbene le possibilità siano limitate al posizionamento di obiettivi, veicoli ed armi (senza quindi toccare la mappa in sé), lo strumento a disposizione è abbastanza potente da permetterci di cambiare radicalmente la giocabilità di uno scenario.
Infine, il multi-player. Al di là della possibilità di giocare la campagna in modalità cooperativa fino a 4 giocatori attraverso Xbox Live, che a nostro avviso non si riesce good to fall into the reality of playing the online game consists of maps for every taste (large, small, symmetrical, asymmetrical, etc.)., 16 players, good code which reduces the lag to a minimum and all those rules that have made famous the series.
To this we must add the ability to customize their avatar with new armor, helmets and colors that will unlock the second level of climbing as a complicated mechanism called TrueSkill. In fact, like any other multi-player online gaming on Xbox 360, Halo 3 also uses a customized version of the Xbox Live ranking system and, in this case, use two main parameters: the skill, the ranking of a player to ' interior of a particular list, and experience, based on number of victories in multiplayer match that the player scored.
This double evaluation also allowed Bungie to find a way to penalize those who disconnect from the game before the end of it (an event not uncommon in Halo 2): whenever a player will behave in this way will lose 2 experience points and so will be penalized in the final ranking. Although this method does not constitute a novelty, the essential point of discussion concerns the intention of the developers to maintain as fair and sporting the Halo 3 online.
The first example of how this list is "Cinema" in which we review our achievements (both single-and multi-player) via an external camera that will allow us to explore the field of battle. Using this method, therefore, is not only rewarding but also allows us to further believe in the existence of a world that "lives" of the là di Master Chief, senza contare che i giocatori più riflessivi potranno elaborare strategie osservando il comportamento dei nemici ed il terreno di scontro.
Altrettanto rivoluzionaria è la modalità "Fucina" che permette di creare veri e propri mod di mappe da condividere con i propri amici: sebbene le possibilità siano limitate al posizionamento di obiettivi, veicoli ed armi (senza quindi toccare la mappa in sé), lo strumento a disposizione è abbastanza potente da permetterci di cambiare radicalmente la giocabilità di uno scenario.
Infine, il multi-player. Al di là della possibilità di giocare la campagna in modalità cooperativa fino a 4 giocatori attraverso Xbox Live, che a nostro avviso non si riesce good to fall into the reality of playing the online game consists of maps for every taste (large, small, symmetrical, asymmetrical, etc.)., 16 players, good code which reduces the lag to a minimum and all those rules that have made famous the series.
To this we must add the ability to customize their avatar with new armor, helmets and colors that will unlock the second level of climbing as a complicated mechanism called TrueSkill. In fact, like any other multi-player online gaming on Xbox 360, Halo 3 also uses a customized version of the Xbox Live ranking system and, in this case, use two main parameters: the skill, the ranking of a player to ' interior of a particular list, and experience, based on number of victories in multiplayer match that the player scored.
This double evaluation also allowed Bungie to find a way to penalize those who disconnect from the game before the end of it (an event not uncommon in Halo 2): whenever a player will behave in this way will lose 2 experience points and so will be penalized in the final ranking. Although this method does not constitute a novelty, the essential point of discussion concerns the intention of the developers to maintain as fair and sporting the Halo 3 online.
Shooter subjective
Piattaforma: Xbox 360, PC, PSP
Sviluppatore: Bungie
Publisher: Microsoft Game Stu dios
Voto (provvisorio) : 95%
Acura di Nicola
Forse per Natale avrò una XBox 360 così lo potrò finalmente provare.
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