Questo gioco, sul mercato, should be the best rival Flight Simulator (vote given in our review: 80), but unfortunately, I can tell already by now: This game will take 50 to 75. Want to know why? When I bought, I read what was written and there were phrases such as "flight training, aircraft carrier landings, air refueling, over 25 aircraft, flying in space ...". So I thought it best flight simulator, but it was not so: the mid-air does not take off, the menu is very vague, many pre-defined missions were a failure. Who knows how to play well in this game please send an e-mail to with some advice or simply write Leave a comment.
Now we talk about the details: When you start the program, the game takes you to a track already in a small plane and go you must go to the menu at the top of the monitor where it will appear below the toolbar where you can Flights choose whether to use defaults (like taking off from an aircraft carrier), flight schedules, menus and options. The menu, which as I said is very incomplete, you may only allows choosing between 20,000 airports (in flight simulator over 23000) and 29 veivolo (compared to 24 flight simulator) and are divided into 14 categories: light 3, 4 reactors ( such as 747), a fighter, 5 vertical take-off, three helicopters, a flying boat, a blimp, a Shuttle, 2 stratospheric, an experimental, 1 glider, 2 remote, 2 and 1 for Mars science fiction. The bad thing is that about half of aircraft it is impossible to use.
Genre: Simulator
Platform: PC
Manufacturer: Laminar Research
Distributor: FX
Pubblischer: FX
PEGI: +3
Rating: 62%
By Nicola
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