Bar Chinese share to 150. Bolzano is in the Chinatown
Alan Conti
zoom . BOLZANO. L'avanzata dei bar cinesi in città continua: se pochi mesi fa i dati parlavano di 120 esercizi, oggi Confesercenti ipotizza come minimo una decina di locali in più e non è difficile immaginare che a breve si abbatterà il muro dei 150. «L'acquisizione di locali cinesi non conosce sosta - la premesse del segretario di categoria di Confesercenti Mirco Benetello - e possiamo dire di aver già superato quota 130 senza soluzione di continuità. L'espansione è, chiaramente, anche a livello territoriale: via Claudia Augusta rimane l'insediamento principale, ma anche a Don Bosco cominciano a diffondersi, mentre in via Palermo la forte presenza registra un contraltare italiano piuttosto radicato». È nel cuore di Oltrisarco, quindi, che il cambiamento resta più evidente. «Ciclicamente salta fuori la discussione sulla nostra presenza - dice Wang Xinfeng, uno dei primi arrivati al bar "Aurora" - ma la nostra unica risposta è lavorare bene. Non rappresentiamo un rischio maggiore dei bar italiani, ci limitiamo alla normale concorrenza come succede in moltissimi altri luoghi della città. In ogni caso secondo me il vero problema della strada non sono i tanti bar, ma la mancanza assoluta di parcheggio e la chiusura del transito delle auto da sud». Le richieste, quindi, sono identiche a quelle manifestate da tempo dagli esercenti locali. «Certo - confermano Franco Perri e Alice Fortunata del "New Bar" - ma il vero nodo del problema risiede nel loro modus operandi. Acquisiscono diversi bar e cominciano a inserire dentro i familiari e, con orari massacranti, il rapporto diventa quasi di un barista per locale. In questo modo abbassano i prezzi e impongono alla contesa commerciale un ritmo che noi fatichiamo a mantenere. Dovrebbero essere le amministrazioni a mettere mano ai regolamenti delle licenze, non tanto per impedire le aperture cinesi quanto per imporre una distanza minima tra un locale e l'altro». Weiwei Zhang occupa un bancone dalla lunga storia: il "Lindenburg". «Lo sappiamo, quindi cerchiamo di essere all'altezza. È vero, comunque, che questa zona ti permette di lavorare bene, ma solo con i residenti. Ci vorrebbe una decisione forte per permettere again the passage of the incoming road from Laives and San Giacomo. Our problems are identical to those of Italian bar and we must try to cooperate. The many Chinese do not have to scare. " The Bar "Prince" works Jiang Lu Ping: "We came two years ago in Bolzano, directly from Turin: Many of us come from other Italian cities because they know that here the life of society is a value deeply rooted in the population. The charge to occupy vast areas with bars, however, is unfounded: in Via Claudia Augusta, for example, the vast majority of us have simply pointed out earlier businesses run by local owners. If competition was not an insurmountable problem before, so why should it be now? ". "Why have imposed new rules - the prompt response Boaretto Franco, owner of the bar" Paragraph 36 "and the new wine bar and" The CantinOtto "- but this quarter is potentially valuable for those who want to work. The difference we can make it through the quality, because if a customer asks a sparkling wine at the bar, we did not need a drink bad. " Closure with trespassing on a Bari, where another bar with a long tradition as the "St. George" has passed into the hands of a Chinese family: "We work very well with the neighboring schools - says Qiu renbo - demonstrating that our non-inclusion be so hard. " © REPRODUCTION
Monday, March 14, 2011
How To Move A Stuck Kidney Stone
Bar Chinese share to 150. Bolzano is in the Chinatown
Alan Conti
zoom . BOLZANO. L'avanzata dei bar cinesi in città continua: se pochi mesi fa i dati parlavano di 120 esercizi, oggi Confesercenti ipotizza come minimo una decina di locali in più e non è difficile immaginare che a breve si abbatterà il muro dei 150. «L'acquisizione di locali cinesi non conosce sosta - la premesse del segretario di categoria di Confesercenti Mirco Benetello - e possiamo dire di aver già superato quota 130 senza soluzione di continuità. L'espansione è, chiaramente, anche a livello territoriale: via Claudia Augusta rimane l'insediamento principale, ma anche a Don Bosco cominciano a diffondersi, mentre in via Palermo la forte presenza registra un contraltare italiano piuttosto radicato». È nel cuore di Oltrisarco, quindi, che il cambiamento resta più evidente. «Ciclicamente salta fuori la discussione sulla nostra presenza - dice Wang Xinfeng, uno dei primi arrivati al bar "Aurora" - ma la nostra unica risposta è lavorare bene. Non rappresentiamo un rischio maggiore dei bar italiani, ci limitiamo alla normale concorrenza come succede in moltissimi altri luoghi della città. In ogni caso secondo me il vero problema della strada non sono i tanti bar, ma la mancanza assoluta di parcheggio e la chiusura del transito delle auto da sud». Le richieste, quindi, sono identiche a quelle manifestate da tempo dagli esercenti locali. «Certo - confermano Franco Perri e Alice Fortunata del "New Bar" - ma il vero nodo del problema risiede nel loro modus operandi. Acquisiscono diversi bar e cominciano a inserire dentro i familiari e, con orari massacranti, il rapporto diventa quasi di un barista per locale. In questo modo abbassano i prezzi e impongono alla contesa commerciale un ritmo che noi fatichiamo a mantenere. Dovrebbero essere le amministrazioni a mettere mano ai regolamenti delle licenze, non tanto per impedire le aperture cinesi quanto per imporre una distanza minima tra un locale e l'altro». Weiwei Zhang occupa un bancone dalla lunga storia: il "Lindenburg". «Lo sappiamo, quindi cerchiamo di essere all'altezza. È vero, comunque, che questa zona ti permette di lavorare bene, ma solo con i residenti. Ci vorrebbe una decisione forte per permettere again the passage of the incoming road from Laives and San Giacomo. Our problems are identical to those of Italian bar and we must try to cooperate. The many Chinese do not have to scare. " The Bar "Prince" works Jiang Lu Ping: "We came two years ago in Bolzano, directly from Turin: Many of us come from other Italian cities because they know that here the life of society is a value deeply rooted in the population. The charge to occupy vast areas with bars, however, is unfounded: in Via Claudia Augusta, for example, the vast majority of us have simply pointed out earlier businesses run by local owners. If competition was not an insurmountable problem before, so why should it be now? ". "Why have imposed new rules - the prompt response Boaretto Franco, owner of the bar" Paragraph 36 "and the new wine bar and" The CantinOtto "- but this quarter is potentially valuable for those who want to work. The difference we can make it through the quality, because if a customer asks a sparkling wine at the bar, we did not need a drink bad. " Closure with trespassing on a Bari, where another bar with a long tradition as the "St. George" has passed into the hands of a Chinese family: "We work very well with the neighboring schools - says Qiu renbo - demonstrating that our non-inclusion be so hard. " © REPRODUCTION
Alan Conti
zoom . BOLZANO. L'avanzata dei bar cinesi in città continua: se pochi mesi fa i dati parlavano di 120 esercizi, oggi Confesercenti ipotizza come minimo una decina di locali in più e non è difficile immaginare che a breve si abbatterà il muro dei 150. «L'acquisizione di locali cinesi non conosce sosta - la premesse del segretario di categoria di Confesercenti Mirco Benetello - e possiamo dire di aver già superato quota 130 senza soluzione di continuità. L'espansione è, chiaramente, anche a livello territoriale: via Claudia Augusta rimane l'insediamento principale, ma anche a Don Bosco cominciano a diffondersi, mentre in via Palermo la forte presenza registra un contraltare italiano piuttosto radicato». È nel cuore di Oltrisarco, quindi, che il cambiamento resta più evidente. «Ciclicamente salta fuori la discussione sulla nostra presenza - dice Wang Xinfeng, uno dei primi arrivati al bar "Aurora" - ma la nostra unica risposta è lavorare bene. Non rappresentiamo un rischio maggiore dei bar italiani, ci limitiamo alla normale concorrenza come succede in moltissimi altri luoghi della città. In ogni caso secondo me il vero problema della strada non sono i tanti bar, ma la mancanza assoluta di parcheggio e la chiusura del transito delle auto da sud». Le richieste, quindi, sono identiche a quelle manifestate da tempo dagli esercenti locali. «Certo - confermano Franco Perri e Alice Fortunata del "New Bar" - ma il vero nodo del problema risiede nel loro modus operandi. Acquisiscono diversi bar e cominciano a inserire dentro i familiari e, con orari massacranti, il rapporto diventa quasi di un barista per locale. In questo modo abbassano i prezzi e impongono alla contesa commerciale un ritmo che noi fatichiamo a mantenere. Dovrebbero essere le amministrazioni a mettere mano ai regolamenti delle licenze, non tanto per impedire le aperture cinesi quanto per imporre una distanza minima tra un locale e l'altro». Weiwei Zhang occupa un bancone dalla lunga storia: il "Lindenburg". «Lo sappiamo, quindi cerchiamo di essere all'altezza. È vero, comunque, che questa zona ti permette di lavorare bene, ma solo con i residenti. Ci vorrebbe una decisione forte per permettere again the passage of the incoming road from Laives and San Giacomo. Our problems are identical to those of Italian bar and we must try to cooperate. The many Chinese do not have to scare. " The Bar "Prince" works Jiang Lu Ping: "We came two years ago in Bolzano, directly from Turin: Many of us come from other Italian cities because they know that here the life of society is a value deeply rooted in the population. The charge to occupy vast areas with bars, however, is unfounded: in Via Claudia Augusta, for example, the vast majority of us have simply pointed out earlier businesses run by local owners. If competition was not an insurmountable problem before, so why should it be now? ". "Why have imposed new rules - the prompt response Boaretto Franco, owner of the bar" Paragraph 36 "and the new wine bar and" The CantinOtto "- but this quarter is potentially valuable for those who want to work. The difference we can make it through the quality, because if a customer asks a sparkling wine at the bar, we did not need a drink bad. " Closure with trespassing on a Bari, where another bar with a long tradition as the "St. George" has passed into the hands of a Chinese family: "We work very well with the neighboring schools - says Qiu renbo - demonstrating that our non-inclusion be so hard. " © REPRODUCTION
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Minneapolis Blood Banks For Cash
Chievo - Fiorentina 0-1 We're saved! What a nice win!
Vittoria meritata ma sofferta in quel di Chievo contro un avversario molto fisico e bisognoso di punti salvezza
Siamo arrivati ai 40 punti fatidici che significa salvezza virtuale e, soprattutto, siamo a soli 2 punti dai Gobbi (settimi) che anche ieri hanno sofferto assai
Prossimo turno ore 12.30 al Franchi contro una Roma galvanizzata dalla vittoria nel derby con la doppietta sin troppo facile del pupo Totti
Significativo il prolungamento dei zero goal subiti che rendono la Fiorentina una delle migliori 4 difese del campionato italiano dietro solo a Milan, Lazio e Napoli
Peccato not have doubled due to the numerous scoring opportunities and had suffered up to 95 ° can be balanced Chievo
Boruc 7.5
decisive action and miraculous as the one headed in a rebound poisonous
Back in the squad, does not stand out except for a big bucks portentous, ece second time at 47 °
enter for the last 3 minutes
holding up with difficulty But even with such grit
A column of defense
and dynamically, and that beautiful cross!
Behrami 6.5
A steamroller
Montolivo 6.5
directs the midfield with calm and mastery
The first goal of this league with encouraging evidence, comes to 31 ° later
a disaster his little 20 minutes where he managed to devour two occasions d 'gold
Class, race and determination to sell for at least 60 minutes, too bad for the goal that was not the kiss!
trots without affecting but there
Sbaglia un goal da due passi ma lotta fino al 42°secondo tempo
entra per solo 8 minuti e la sensazione è che potrebbe essere sempre decisivo
Quando si vince in trasferta e non si prendono goal il voto ne risente, avrebbe dovuto fare prima e in modo diverso alcune sostituzioni (Babacar x Mutu al 60°minuto.. per esempio)
20) Bari 17 =
Vittoria meritata ma sofferta in quel di Chievo contro un avversario molto fisico e bisognoso di punti salvezza
Siamo arrivati ai 40 punti fatidici che significa salvezza virtuale e, soprattutto, siamo a soli 2 punti dai Gobbi (settimi) che anche ieri hanno sofferto assai
Prossimo turno ore 12.30 al Franchi contro una Roma galvanizzata dalla vittoria nel derby con la doppietta sin troppo facile del pupo Totti
Significativo il prolungamento dei zero goal subiti che rendono la Fiorentina una delle migliori 4 difese del campionato italiano dietro solo a Milan, Lazio e Napoli
Peccato not have doubled due to the numerous scoring opportunities and had suffered up to 95 ° can be balanced Chievo
Boruc 7.5
decisive action and miraculous as the one headed in a rebound poisonous
Back in the squad, does not stand out except for a big bucks portentous, ece second time at 47 °
enter for the last 3 minutes
holding up with difficulty But even with such grit
A column of defense
and dynamically, and that beautiful cross!
Behrami 6.5
A steamroller
Montolivo 6.5
directs the midfield with calm and mastery
The first goal of this league with encouraging evidence, comes to 31 ° later
a disaster his little 20 minutes where he managed to devour two occasions d 'gold
Class, race and determination to sell for at least 60 minutes, too bad for the goal that was not the kiss!
trots without affecting but there
Sbaglia un goal da due passi ma lotta fino al 42°secondo tempo
entra per solo 8 minuti e la sensazione è che potrebbe essere sempre decisivo
Quando si vince in trasferta e non si prendono goal il voto ne risente, avrebbe dovuto fare prima e in modo diverso alcune sostituzioni (Babacar x Mutu al 60°minuto.. per esempio)
01) Milan 62 =
02) Inter ; 57 =
03) Napoli 56 ; =
04) Udinese 53 +
05) Lazio 51 -
06) Roma 49 ; =
07) Juventus 42 =
08 ) Fiorentina 40 + +
08) 40 = Palermo
10) Bologna 39 +
10) Cagliari 39 -
12) 38 = Genoa
13) Catania 32 + +
13) Chievo 32 =
15) Sampdoria 31 -
16) Cesena 29 ++
16) Parma 29 -
18) Lecce 28 -
19) Brescia 26 = 25
Minneapolis Blood Banks For Cash
Chievo - Fiorentina 0-1 We're saved! What a nice win!
Vittoria meritata ma sofferta in quel di Chievo contro un avversario molto fisico e bisognoso di punti salvezza
Siamo arrivati ai 40 punti fatidici che significa salvezza virtuale e, soprattutto, siamo a soli 2 punti dai Gobbi (settimi) che anche ieri hanno sofferto assai
Prossimo turno ore 12.30 al Franchi contro una Roma galvanizzata dalla vittoria nel derby con la doppietta sin troppo facile del pupo Totti
Significativo il prolungamento dei zero goal subiti che rendono la Fiorentina una delle migliori 4 difese del campionato italiano dietro solo a Milan, Lazio e Napoli
Peccato not have doubled due to the numerous scoring opportunities and had suffered up to 95 ° can be balanced Chievo
Boruc 7.5
decisive action and miraculous as the one headed in a rebound poisonous
Back in the squad, does not stand out except for a big bucks portentous, ece second time at 47 °
enter for the last 3 minutes
holding up with difficulty But even with such grit
A column of defense
and dynamically, and that beautiful cross!
Behrami 6.5
A steamroller
Montolivo 6.5
directs the midfield with calm and mastery
The first goal of this league with encouraging evidence, comes to 31 ° later
a disaster his little 20 minutes where he managed to devour two occasions d 'gold
Class, race and determination to sell for at least 60 minutes, too bad for the goal that was not the kiss!
trots without affecting but there
Sbaglia un goal da due passi ma lotta fino al 42°secondo tempo
entra per solo 8 minuti e la sensazione è che potrebbe essere sempre decisivo
Quando si vince in trasferta e non si prendono goal il voto ne risente, avrebbe dovuto fare prima e in modo diverso alcune sostituzioni (Babacar x Mutu al 60°minuto.. per esempio)
20) Bari 17 =
Vittoria meritata ma sofferta in quel di Chievo contro un avversario molto fisico e bisognoso di punti salvezza
Siamo arrivati ai 40 punti fatidici che significa salvezza virtuale e, soprattutto, siamo a soli 2 punti dai Gobbi (settimi) che anche ieri hanno sofferto assai
Prossimo turno ore 12.30 al Franchi contro una Roma galvanizzata dalla vittoria nel derby con la doppietta sin troppo facile del pupo Totti
Significativo il prolungamento dei zero goal subiti che rendono la Fiorentina una delle migliori 4 difese del campionato italiano dietro solo a Milan, Lazio e Napoli
Peccato not have doubled due to the numerous scoring opportunities and had suffered up to 95 ° can be balanced Chievo
Boruc 7.5
decisive action and miraculous as the one headed in a rebound poisonous
Back in the squad, does not stand out except for a big bucks portentous, ece second time at 47 °
enter for the last 3 minutes
holding up with difficulty But even with such grit
A column of defense
and dynamically, and that beautiful cross!
Behrami 6.5
A steamroller
Montolivo 6.5
directs the midfield with calm and mastery
The first goal of this league with encouraging evidence, comes to 31 ° later
a disaster his little 20 minutes where he managed to devour two occasions d 'gold
Class, race and determination to sell for at least 60 minutes, too bad for the goal that was not the kiss!
trots without affecting but there
Sbaglia un goal da due passi ma lotta fino al 42°secondo tempo
entra per solo 8 minuti e la sensazione è che potrebbe essere sempre decisivo
Quando si vince in trasferta e non si prendono goal il voto ne risente, avrebbe dovuto fare prima e in modo diverso alcune sostituzioni (Babacar x Mutu al 60°minuto.. per esempio)
01) Milan 62 =
02) Inter ; 57 =
03) Napoli 56 ; =
04) Udinese 53 +
05) Lazio 51 -
06) Roma 49 ; =
07) Juventus 42 =
08 ) Fiorentina 40 + +
08) 40 = Palermo
10) Bologna 39 +
10) Cagliari 39 -
12) 38 = Genoa
13) Catania 32 + +
13) Chievo 32 =
15) Sampdoria 31 -
16) Cesena 29 ++
16) Parma 29 -
18) Lecce 28 -
19) Brescia 26 = 25
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Anyone Get Their Tax Refund Earlier Than
Shikakai Hair Wash: Acacia concinna powder by Raw Gaia
The plant in question is' Acacia concinna that grows wild in India without the use of chemicals. Fruits, leaves and Cotecchia are simply ground after being dried in the sun .. nothing more!
into use I must say that in my case with long hair and the product was not revealed at all practical, I had some difficulty is to guess the right dose and with the rinse, but I can also pleased to report that my fellow human beings with short hair, but has had a rather positive feedback.
hair were always clean and light, and very shiny! The powder does not dissolve its completamente, come succede con i cereali solubili per intenderci, ma appunto non crea problemi con capelli corti.
Ovviamente non forma la classica schiuma di uno shampoo normale e la sensazione è un pò strana e non facilmente descrivibile a parole..mi ha ricordato quella avuta con il decotto di Sapindus Mukorossi , insomma non è sicuramente un prodotto per tutti i gusti ma sinceramente credo valga la pena fare almeno una prova.
E' consigliato per combattere la forfora, ed è particolarmente adatto alle chiome "more" perchè l'uso regolare dovrebbe anche scurire i capelli, non consigliato quindi per lavaggi frequenti alle bionde.
I had always planned to buy this shampoo but in the end I received a gift from my friend Ariel , and here I am talking about it in detail! As I said before, Raw Gaia is one of those companies that offer the best guarantees in the field cruelty-free/vegan and in this case, this is just a rare example of a product 100% natural that as such, does not require special certification.
The plant in question is' Acacia concinna that grows wild in India without the use of chemicals. Fruits, leaves and Cotecchia are simply ground after being dried in the sun .. nothing more!
into use I must say that in my case with long hair and the product was not revealed at all practical, I had some difficulty is to guess the right dose and with the rinse, but I can also pleased to report that my fellow human beings with short hair, but has had a rather positive feedback.
hair were always clean and light, and very shiny! The powder does not dissolve its completamente, come succede con i cereali solubili per intenderci, ma appunto non crea problemi con capelli corti.
Ovviamente non forma la classica schiuma di uno shampoo normale e la sensazione è un pò strana e non facilmente descrivibile a parole..mi ha ricordato quella avuta con il decotto di Sapindus Mukorossi , insomma non è sicuramente un prodotto per tutti i gusti ma sinceramente credo valga la pena fare almeno una prova.
E' consigliato per combattere la forfora, ed è particolarmente adatto alle chiome "more" perchè l'uso regolare dovrebbe anche scurire i capelli, non consigliato quindi per lavaggi frequenti alle bionde.
Raw Gaia The packaging is very nice, is lightweight plastic cover with aluminum can of course after that, and should, be reused for other purposes, and contains 100g of powder. The price has increased a bit recently, unfortunately, like everything everywhere, but it's still affordable and I also say that the service offered by the shop is good with minimal shipping costs.
Anyone Get Their Tax Refund Earlier Than
Shikakai Hair Wash: Acacia concinna powder by Raw Gaia
The plant in question is' Acacia concinna that grows wild in India without the use of chemicals. Fruits, leaves and Cotecchia are simply ground after being dried in the sun .. nothing more!
into use I must say that in my case with long hair and the product was not revealed at all practical, I had some difficulty is to guess the right dose and with the rinse, but I can also pleased to report that my fellow human beings with short hair, but has had a rather positive feedback.
hair were always clean and light, and very shiny! The powder does not dissolve its completamente, come succede con i cereali solubili per intenderci, ma appunto non crea problemi con capelli corti.
Ovviamente non forma la classica schiuma di uno shampoo normale e la sensazione è un pò strana e non facilmente descrivibile a parole..mi ha ricordato quella avuta con il decotto di Sapindus Mukorossi , insomma non è sicuramente un prodotto per tutti i gusti ma sinceramente credo valga la pena fare almeno una prova.
E' consigliato per combattere la forfora, ed è particolarmente adatto alle chiome "more" perchè l'uso regolare dovrebbe anche scurire i capelli, non consigliato quindi per lavaggi frequenti alle bionde.
I had always planned to buy this shampoo but in the end I received a gift from my friend Ariel , and here I am talking about it in detail! As I said before, Raw Gaia is one of those companies that offer the best guarantees in the field cruelty-free/vegan and in this case, this is just a rare example of a product 100% natural that as such, does not require special certification.
The plant in question is' Acacia concinna that grows wild in India without the use of chemicals. Fruits, leaves and Cotecchia are simply ground after being dried in the sun .. nothing more!
into use I must say that in my case with long hair and the product was not revealed at all practical, I had some difficulty is to guess the right dose and with the rinse, but I can also pleased to report that my fellow human beings with short hair, but has had a rather positive feedback.
hair were always clean and light, and very shiny! The powder does not dissolve its completamente, come succede con i cereali solubili per intenderci, ma appunto non crea problemi con capelli corti.
Ovviamente non forma la classica schiuma di uno shampoo normale e la sensazione è un pò strana e non facilmente descrivibile a parole..mi ha ricordato quella avuta con il decotto di Sapindus Mukorossi , insomma non è sicuramente un prodotto per tutti i gusti ma sinceramente credo valga la pena fare almeno una prova.
E' consigliato per combattere la forfora, ed è particolarmente adatto alle chiome "more" perchè l'uso regolare dovrebbe anche scurire i capelli, non consigliato quindi per lavaggi frequenti alle bionde.
Raw Gaia The packaging is very nice, is lightweight plastic cover with aluminum can of course after that, and should, be reused for other purposes, and contains 100g of powder. The price has increased a bit recently, unfortunately, like everything everywhere, but it's still affordable and I also say that the service offered by the shop is good with minimal shipping costs.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Compatible Microporcessor For Dell Dimension 4300
Urtekram No Perfume Roll On Deodorant Aubrey Organics hair dyes
I have not had occasion to try it, but meanwhile I would like to speak with reporting Claudia who has personally tested and successfully! At the moment the Danish brand does not seem to be popular here in Italy but is easily available online, without a doubt is well distributed in Germany and the UK. Obviously we are talking about holding a "rule", there is adherence to the Standard not tested and uses ingredients of good quality in general.
International list of ingredients (INCI): Aqua, glycerin*, potassium alum, xanthan gum. * = ingredient proceeding from Organic farming
Di deodoranti a base di sali minerali ce ne sono veramente tanti in circolazione e chiaramente vanno sempre sperimentati in prima persona, Claudia per esempio ha riscontrato un'efficacia limitata con lo spray della Daymons (ottima azienda italiana, cruelty-free), mentre con questo Urtekram (acquistato dal negozio dove si rifornisce abitualmente) ha ottenuto prestazioni migliori. Ecco in breve il suo responso:
un deodorante roll-on in confezione di vetro, EcoCert Organic Cosmetic, Astma-Allergi Forbundet e Not Animal Tested (con simbolo del leprotto). Profumazione assente ed ottima funzionalità, il roll-on ha l'unico piccolo neo di essere un pò appiccicoso sui tessuti, ma non macchia . Prezzo 7 euro!
Io conto di metterlo nel carrello prossimamente, anche se in realtà ho già trovato il deodorante giusto per me sono sempre molto curiosa, diciamola tutta..ogni scusa è buona per sperimentare nuovi prodotti!
Chi fosse altrettanto interessato all'acquisto può consultare i vari distributori Urtekram elencati qui (i cosmetici per capelli in Italia si trovano già da Chicca Nature , cercare il brand nell'elenco) e segnalo anche un paio di negozi dove il deo in questione è attualmente in assortimento: My Beauty Store e Beauty Center Europe
Di deodoranti a base di sali minerali ce ne sono veramente tanti in circolazione e chiaramente vanno sempre sperimentati in prima persona, Claudia per esempio ha riscontrato un'efficacia limitata con lo spray della Daymons (ottima azienda italiana, cruelty-free), mentre con questo Urtekram (acquistato dal negozio dove si rifornisce abitualmente) ha ottenuto prestazioni migliori. Ecco in breve il suo responso:
un deodorante roll-on in confezione di vetro, EcoCert Organic Cosmetic, Astma-Allergi Forbundet e Not Animal Tested (con simbolo del leprotto). Profumazione assente ed ottima funzionalità, il roll-on ha l'unico piccolo neo di essere un pò appiccicoso sui tessuti, ma non macchia . Prezzo 7 euro!
Io conto di metterlo nel carrello prossimamente, anche se in realtà ho già trovato il deodorante giusto per me sono sempre molto curiosa, diciamola tutta..ogni scusa è buona per sperimentare nuovi prodotti!
Chi fosse altrettanto interessato all'acquisto può consultare i vari distributori Urtekram elencati qui (i cosmetici per capelli in Italia si trovano già da Chicca Nature , cercare il brand nell'elenco) e segnalo anche un paio di negozi dove il deo in questione è attualmente in assortimento: My Beauty Store e Beauty Center Europe
Compatible Microporcessor For Dell Dimension 4300
Urtekram No Perfume Roll On Deodorant Aubrey Organics hair dyes
I have not had occasion to try it, but meanwhile I would like to speak with reporting Claudia who has personally tested and successfully! At the moment the Danish brand does not seem to be popular here in Italy but is easily available online, without a doubt is well distributed in Germany and the UK. Obviously we are talking about holding a "rule", there is adherence to the Standard not tested and uses ingredients of good quality in general.
International list of ingredients (INCI): Aqua, glycerin*, potassium alum, xanthan gum. * = ingredient proceeding from Organic farming
Di deodoranti a base di sali minerali ce ne sono veramente tanti in circolazione e chiaramente vanno sempre sperimentati in prima persona, Claudia per esempio ha riscontrato un'efficacia limitata con lo spray della Daymons (ottima azienda italiana, cruelty-free), mentre con questo Urtekram (acquistato dal negozio dove si rifornisce abitualmente) ha ottenuto prestazioni migliori. Ecco in breve il suo responso:
un deodorante roll-on in confezione di vetro, EcoCert Organic Cosmetic, Astma-Allergi Forbundet e Not Animal Tested (con simbolo del leprotto). Profumazione assente ed ottima funzionalità, il roll-on ha l'unico piccolo neo di essere un pò appiccicoso sui tessuti, ma non macchia . Prezzo 7 euro!
Io conto di metterlo nel carrello prossimamente, anche se in realtà ho già trovato il deodorante giusto per me sono sempre molto curiosa, diciamola tutta..ogni scusa è buona per sperimentare nuovi prodotti!
Chi fosse altrettanto interessato all'acquisto può consultare i vari distributori Urtekram elencati qui (i cosmetici per capelli in Italia si trovano già da Chicca Nature , cercare il brand nell'elenco) e segnalo anche un paio di negozi dove il deo in questione è attualmente in assortimento: My Beauty Store e Beauty Center Europe
Di deodoranti a base di sali minerali ce ne sono veramente tanti in circolazione e chiaramente vanno sempre sperimentati in prima persona, Claudia per esempio ha riscontrato un'efficacia limitata con lo spray della Daymons (ottima azienda italiana, cruelty-free), mentre con questo Urtekram (acquistato dal negozio dove si rifornisce abitualmente) ha ottenuto prestazioni migliori. Ecco in breve il suo responso:
un deodorante roll-on in confezione di vetro, EcoCert Organic Cosmetic, Astma-Allergi Forbundet e Not Animal Tested (con simbolo del leprotto). Profumazione assente ed ottima funzionalità, il roll-on ha l'unico piccolo neo di essere un pò appiccicoso sui tessuti, ma non macchia . Prezzo 7 euro!
Io conto di metterlo nel carrello prossimamente, anche se in realtà ho già trovato il deodorante giusto per me sono sempre molto curiosa, diciamola tutta..ogni scusa è buona per sperimentare nuovi prodotti!
Chi fosse altrettanto interessato all'acquisto può consultare i vari distributori Urtekram elencati qui (i cosmetici per capelli in Italia si trovano già da Chicca Nature , cercare il brand nell'elenco) e segnalo anche un paio di negozi dove il deo in questione è attualmente in assortimento: My Beauty Store e Beauty Center Europe
Monday, March 7, 2011
Tm Primers Calculator
Claudia Augusta Via Torino, elderly with no lift: the fault of the bureaucracy IPES
BOLZANO. Vent'anni di richieste, tra carrozzine di invalidi e passeggini dei bambini, non sono stati sufficienti per convincere l'Ipes a costruire un ascensore al civico 61/A di via Torino. La beffa, però, è che in molte case nelle vicinanze sono stati realizzati senza battere ciglio e ora gli inquilini, stufi, alzano la voce e chiedono all'istituto quali siano i criteri di preferenza accordata alle altre scale. La questione degli ascensori, comunque, è da tempo tasto delicato in via Torino, con l'Ipes che si è sempre rifiutata di avvallare opere in vetro, considerate dagli inquilini più economiche e luminose, per sostenere i lavori in muratura, sicuramente più costosi. The imperative "niet" pronounced at the time, by Stefano Grando, however, was denied by glass works in other areas of the city with similar context. Nothing, however, the horizon appears to move because in the aftermath of the scandal involving the Institute is the absolute vacancy of a building administrator for homes via Torino without, however, that the lines of expenditure have declined of a cent. "Our situation - says Maria Luisa Concini, newel of the building in Via Torino 61 / A - is a paradox. In the last floors of the building we have elderly, disabled and children to take up the stairs with the stroller, but nobody has accepted our request to build an outdoor elevator. " Concannon has also taken the trouble to count the steps: "A total of 80, able to cut the legs of those who can not take special efforts." The curious situation, however, is that a full scale strangely claims to want to work in that compact, generally, is much discussed in various meetings condominium, but the IPES pay no heed to the request. "We have a disabled person, families with children, even one with two twins and dozens of steps to walk each time you need to leave the house. They are not, however, the only ones waiting for this elevator, three people who died would have needed. "
Gina Morandi, with the attendant Snyezhok Lyubov, is among the applicants: "For a long time we did not even have to move house. Fortunately, the Assb gave us a lift electric, but still the same very difficult to go out and go home. It should not be so, moreover in case you think for social support. " Roberta Visentin overlooking the landing: "The elevator would take years and that there is this need. This is yet another episode that demonstrates the inadequacy of many choices made dall'Ipes. In detail, however, concrete proposals were made. "We asked - again Concannon - a glass structure, which would allow a saving of over 30% and the maintenance brightness, but there has always been answered spades. However, there are also other estimates, systematically ignored, in contrast to nearby houses. Annoyed at this point that the Institute has left us without an administrator, waiting to go to a private management. Keeping intact all the costs. Try to give some explanation of the trustee area IPES Giampietro Gervasoni: "I can only say that everything is blocked, at least until you solve the issue manager. True, however, that the glass structure was blocked with a motivation related to the protection of the sets. Now, however, we found this solution in contexts similar to ours, and then some window of opportunity could also be. " Hoping not to exploit it in another twenty years. (C) 6 March 2011
BOLZANO. Vent'anni di richieste, tra carrozzine di invalidi e passeggini dei bambini, non sono stati sufficienti per convincere l'Ipes a costruire un ascensore al civico 61/A di via Torino. La beffa, però, è che in molte case nelle vicinanze sono stati realizzati senza battere ciglio e ora gli inquilini, stufi, alzano la voce e chiedono all'istituto quali siano i criteri di preferenza accordata alle altre scale. La questione degli ascensori, comunque, è da tempo tasto delicato in via Torino, con l'Ipes che si è sempre rifiutata di avvallare opere in vetro, considerate dagli inquilini più economiche e luminose, per sostenere i lavori in muratura, sicuramente più costosi. The imperative "niet" pronounced at the time, by Stefano Grando, however, was denied by glass works in other areas of the city with similar context. Nothing, however, the horizon appears to move because in the aftermath of the scandal involving the Institute is the absolute vacancy of a building administrator for homes via Torino without, however, that the lines of expenditure have declined of a cent. "Our situation - says Maria Luisa Concini, newel of the building in Via Torino 61 / A - is a paradox. In the last floors of the building we have elderly, disabled and children to take up the stairs with the stroller, but nobody has accepted our request to build an outdoor elevator. " Concannon has also taken the trouble to count the steps: "A total of 80, able to cut the legs of those who can not take special efforts." The curious situation, however, is that a full scale strangely claims to want to work in that compact, generally, is much discussed in various meetings condominium, but the IPES pay no heed to the request. "We have a disabled person, families with children, even one with two twins and dozens of steps to walk each time you need to leave the house. They are not, however, the only ones waiting for this elevator, three people who died would have needed. "
Gina Morandi, with the attendant Snyezhok Lyubov, is among the applicants: "For a long time we did not even have to move house. Fortunately, the Assb gave us a lift electric, but still the same very difficult to go out and go home. It should not be so, moreover in case you think for social support. " Roberta Visentin overlooking the landing: "The elevator would take years and that there is this need. This is yet another episode that demonstrates the inadequacy of many choices made dall'Ipes. In detail, however, concrete proposals were made. "We asked - again Concannon - a glass structure, which would allow a saving of over 30% and the maintenance brightness, but there has always been answered spades. However, there are also other estimates, systematically ignored, in contrast to nearby houses. Annoyed at this point that the Institute has left us without an administrator, waiting to go to a private management. Keeping intact all the costs. Try to give some explanation of the trustee area IPES Giampietro Gervasoni: "I can only say that everything is blocked, at least until you solve the issue manager. True, however, that the glass structure was blocked with a motivation related to the protection of the sets. Now, however, we found this solution in contexts similar to ours, and then some window of opportunity could also be. " Hoping not to exploit it in another twenty years. (C) 6 March 2011
Tm Primers Calculator
Claudia Augusta Via Torino, elderly with no lift: the fault of the bureaucracy IPES
BOLZANO. Vent'anni di richieste, tra carrozzine di invalidi e passeggini dei bambini, non sono stati sufficienti per convincere l'Ipes a costruire un ascensore al civico 61/A di via Torino. La beffa, però, è che in molte case nelle vicinanze sono stati realizzati senza battere ciglio e ora gli inquilini, stufi, alzano la voce e chiedono all'istituto quali siano i criteri di preferenza accordata alle altre scale. La questione degli ascensori, comunque, è da tempo tasto delicato in via Torino, con l'Ipes che si è sempre rifiutata di avvallare opere in vetro, considerate dagli inquilini più economiche e luminose, per sostenere i lavori in muratura, sicuramente più costosi. The imperative "niet" pronounced at the time, by Stefano Grando, however, was denied by glass works in other areas of the city with similar context. Nothing, however, the horizon appears to move because in the aftermath of the scandal involving the Institute is the absolute vacancy of a building administrator for homes via Torino without, however, that the lines of expenditure have declined of a cent. "Our situation - says Maria Luisa Concini, newel of the building in Via Torino 61 / A - is a paradox. In the last floors of the building we have elderly, disabled and children to take up the stairs with the stroller, but nobody has accepted our request to build an outdoor elevator. " Concannon has also taken the trouble to count the steps: "A total of 80, able to cut the legs of those who can not take special efforts." The curious situation, however, is that a full scale strangely claims to want to work in that compact, generally, is much discussed in various meetings condominium, but the IPES pay no heed to the request. "We have a disabled person, families with children, even one with two twins and dozens of steps to walk each time you need to leave the house. They are not, however, the only ones waiting for this elevator, three people who died would have needed. "
Gina Morandi, with the attendant Snyezhok Lyubov, is among the applicants: "For a long time we did not even have to move house. Fortunately, the Assb gave us a lift electric, but still the same very difficult to go out and go home. It should not be so, moreover in case you think for social support. " Roberta Visentin overlooking the landing: "The elevator would take years and that there is this need. This is yet another episode that demonstrates the inadequacy of many choices made dall'Ipes. In detail, however, concrete proposals were made. "We asked - again Concannon - a glass structure, which would allow a saving of over 30% and the maintenance brightness, but there has always been answered spades. However, there are also other estimates, systematically ignored, in contrast to nearby houses. Annoyed at this point that the Institute has left us without an administrator, waiting to go to a private management. Keeping intact all the costs. Try to give some explanation of the trustee area IPES Giampietro Gervasoni: "I can only say that everything is blocked, at least until you solve the issue manager. True, however, that the glass structure was blocked with a motivation related to the protection of the sets. Now, however, we found this solution in contexts similar to ours, and then some window of opportunity could also be. " Hoping not to exploit it in another twenty years. (C) 6 March 2011
BOLZANO. Vent'anni di richieste, tra carrozzine di invalidi e passeggini dei bambini, non sono stati sufficienti per convincere l'Ipes a costruire un ascensore al civico 61/A di via Torino. La beffa, però, è che in molte case nelle vicinanze sono stati realizzati senza battere ciglio e ora gli inquilini, stufi, alzano la voce e chiedono all'istituto quali siano i criteri di preferenza accordata alle altre scale. La questione degli ascensori, comunque, è da tempo tasto delicato in via Torino, con l'Ipes che si è sempre rifiutata di avvallare opere in vetro, considerate dagli inquilini più economiche e luminose, per sostenere i lavori in muratura, sicuramente più costosi. The imperative "niet" pronounced at the time, by Stefano Grando, however, was denied by glass works in other areas of the city with similar context. Nothing, however, the horizon appears to move because in the aftermath of the scandal involving the Institute is the absolute vacancy of a building administrator for homes via Torino without, however, that the lines of expenditure have declined of a cent. "Our situation - says Maria Luisa Concini, newel of the building in Via Torino 61 / A - is a paradox. In the last floors of the building we have elderly, disabled and children to take up the stairs with the stroller, but nobody has accepted our request to build an outdoor elevator. " Concannon has also taken the trouble to count the steps: "A total of 80, able to cut the legs of those who can not take special efforts." The curious situation, however, is that a full scale strangely claims to want to work in that compact, generally, is much discussed in various meetings condominium, but the IPES pay no heed to the request. "We have a disabled person, families with children, even one with two twins and dozens of steps to walk each time you need to leave the house. They are not, however, the only ones waiting for this elevator, three people who died would have needed. "
Gina Morandi, with the attendant Snyezhok Lyubov, is among the applicants: "For a long time we did not even have to move house. Fortunately, the Assb gave us a lift electric, but still the same very difficult to go out and go home. It should not be so, moreover in case you think for social support. " Roberta Visentin overlooking the landing: "The elevator would take years and that there is this need. This is yet another episode that demonstrates the inadequacy of many choices made dall'Ipes. In detail, however, concrete proposals were made. "We asked - again Concannon - a glass structure, which would allow a saving of over 30% and the maintenance brightness, but there has always been answered spades. However, there are also other estimates, systematically ignored, in contrast to nearby houses. Annoyed at this point that the Institute has left us without an administrator, waiting to go to a private management. Keeping intact all the costs. Try to give some explanation of the trustee area IPES Giampietro Gervasoni: "I can only say that everything is blocked, at least until you solve the issue manager. True, however, that the glass structure was blocked with a motivation related to the protection of the sets. Now, however, we found this solution in contexts similar to ours, and then some window of opportunity could also be. " Hoping not to exploit it in another twenty years. (C) 6 March 2011
Why Cant I Make A Multiverse Room In Poptropica
day center, the road will be rebuilt in 400 by
BOLZANO. The road adjacent to the day center for the elderly will be resurfaced and made new, in agreement with the private sector. The answer to users who had expressed criticism and concerns about the management of the small stretch of the Via Claudia Augusta At number 105 arrived by return mail from the chairperson Wally Rungger. "By 2011, at a cost of € 150 thousand, the road will be upgraded, as it will improve the lighting and the white water." The property of certain individuals was the largest node in the past: "We have reached an agreement with them, then the work will be." After so many years, in short, the elderly can walk without the risk of falling, whereas the presence of many doctors' offices frequented by elderly patients. The question raised by Councillor Barborini UDC, however, has created discontent within the District Council. "It is unfair Barborini - accuses the president - because he, like all the other directors, was announced last week a willingness to intervene on a public work area. He knew, therefore, that in the budget of 2011 there would be this restructuring. " The conflict has dragged on for some time and also the possible doubling dell'Arginale were born of misunderstanding. "In the last consigliatura Barborini had approved the Masterplan, as the document has gone through all the districts, but now has decided against schierarcisi. There is inconsistency in all this, not to mention that a second lane would be for Oltrisarco a net worsening of pollution conditions and isolation. Our neighborhood can only support the upgrading and passing through the tunnels that would allow Oltrisarco to open a new phase. Absolutely unreal, then, to think that doubling dell'Arginale can be completed in just two years. " (C)
BOLZANO. The road adjacent to the day center for the elderly will be resurfaced and made new, in agreement with the private sector. The answer to users who had expressed criticism and concerns about the management of the small stretch of the Via Claudia Augusta At number 105 arrived by return mail from the chairperson Wally Rungger. "By 2011, at a cost of € 150 thousand, the road will be upgraded, as it will improve the lighting and the white water." The property of certain individuals was the largest node in the past: "We have reached an agreement with them, then the work will be." After so many years, in short, the elderly can walk without the risk of falling, whereas the presence of many doctors' offices frequented by elderly patients. The question raised by Councillor Barborini UDC, however, has created discontent within the District Council. "It is unfair Barborini - accuses the president - because he, like all the other directors, was announced last week a willingness to intervene on a public work area. He knew, therefore, that in the budget of 2011 there would be this restructuring. " The conflict has dragged on for some time and also the possible doubling dell'Arginale were born of misunderstanding. "In the last consigliatura Barborini had approved the Masterplan, as the document has gone through all the districts, but now has decided against schierarcisi. There is inconsistency in all this, not to mention that a second lane would be for Oltrisarco a net worsening of pollution conditions and isolation. Our neighborhood can only support the upgrading and passing through the tunnels that would allow Oltrisarco to open a new phase. Absolutely unreal, then, to think that doubling dell'Arginale can be completed in just two years. " (C)
Why Cant I Make A Multiverse Room In Poptropica
day center, the road will be rebuilt in 400 by
BOLZANO. The road adjacent to the day center for the elderly will be resurfaced and made new, in agreement with the private sector. The answer to users who had expressed criticism and concerns about the management of the small stretch of the Via Claudia Augusta At number 105 arrived by return mail from the chairperson Wally Rungger. "By 2011, at a cost of € 150 thousand, the road will be upgraded, as it will improve the lighting and the white water." The property of certain individuals was the largest node in the past: "We have reached an agreement with them, then the work will be." After so many years, in short, the elderly can walk without the risk of falling, whereas the presence of many doctors' offices frequented by elderly patients. The question raised by Councillor Barborini UDC, however, has created discontent within the District Council. "It is unfair Barborini - accuses the president - because he, like all the other directors, was announced last week a willingness to intervene on a public work area. He knew, therefore, that in the budget of 2011 there would be this restructuring. " The conflict has dragged on for some time and also the possible doubling dell'Arginale were born of misunderstanding. "In the last consigliatura Barborini had approved the Masterplan, as the document has gone through all the districts, but now has decided against schierarcisi. There is inconsistency in all this, not to mention that a second lane would be for Oltrisarco a net worsening of pollution conditions and isolation. Our neighborhood can only support the upgrading and passing through the tunnels that would allow Oltrisarco to open a new phase. Absolutely unreal, then, to think that doubling dell'Arginale can be completed in just two years. " (C)
BOLZANO. The road adjacent to the day center for the elderly will be resurfaced and made new, in agreement with the private sector. The answer to users who had expressed criticism and concerns about the management of the small stretch of the Via Claudia Augusta At number 105 arrived by return mail from the chairperson Wally Rungger. "By 2011, at a cost of € 150 thousand, the road will be upgraded, as it will improve the lighting and the white water." The property of certain individuals was the largest node in the past: "We have reached an agreement with them, then the work will be." After so many years, in short, the elderly can walk without the risk of falling, whereas the presence of many doctors' offices frequented by elderly patients. The question raised by Councillor Barborini UDC, however, has created discontent within the District Council. "It is unfair Barborini - accuses the president - because he, like all the other directors, was announced last week a willingness to intervene on a public work area. He knew, therefore, that in the budget of 2011 there would be this restructuring. " The conflict has dragged on for some time and also the possible doubling dell'Arginale were born of misunderstanding. "In the last consigliatura Barborini had approved the Masterplan, as the document has gone through all the districts, but now has decided against schierarcisi. There is inconsistency in all this, not to mention that a second lane would be for Oltrisarco a net worsening of pollution conditions and isolation. Our neighborhood can only support the upgrading and passing through the tunnels that would allow Oltrisarco to open a new phase. Absolutely unreal, then, to think that doubling dell'Arginale can be completed in just two years. " (C)
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Anpi against fascism "Bolzano is here, to live together"
“Bolzano è di chi ci abita”. L’hanno scritto sugli striscioni e annunciato nei megafoni, richiamando valori come convivenza democratica, rispetto e, inevitabilmente, antifascismo. Sono arrivati in 400 ieri pomeriggio per rispondere all’invito dell’Anpi, degli Studenti Consapevoli e dei partiti della sinistra a dire che Bolzano non tollera la calata dei neofascisti in difesa di monumenti che devono, definitivamente, imboccare la strada della storicizzazione. Inutile negarlo, comunque, che tutta la manifestazione ha vissuto con il convitato di pietra di “Casapound”e le notizie in arrivo dalle piazze Mazzini e Vittoria, fino al paradossale contatto visivo lungo Corso Libertà. La strada nel cuore di Bolzano, cut in two by media and police in riot control and plunged into a tense silence and unreal, was the iconic image of a tough day for the city at once relegated to the atmosphere of a few decades ago. Some Bolzano has even been prevented from passing on the other side of the course because the hair too long or a particular clothing could be a provocation to the procession of "Casapound.
The meeting of the event in the early afternoon, however, marked the official dedication of the plaza outside the offices of University Hospital in via Innerhofer Franz, a teacher victim of fascist murder April 24, 1921. The bridge antifascist however, was thrown in with the intergenerational Anpi alongside the students aware. "For us it is very important - said the president of the South Tyrolean Lionello Bertoldi - dealing with young people because now it's up to defend their values \u200b\u200band achievements of the Constitution of the partisan struggle. Today we have the city overrun by neo-fascists who debase the foundations of democracy in order to identify wrecks that should be kept in history. We must, instead, enhance our autonomy as an equal exchange and know us as the right to self-government ". "Never again fascism-echoes the counterpart Sandro Schmidt Trentino - Alto Adige, Italy and Europe. It's about time certain organizations such as Casapound were considered outlaws rather than allowing their mournful marches on monuments of the past. "side, as mentioned, rises the voice of the students aware, represented by James Gatti." What an ugly note that there are people who puts their identity sad relics of marble set in with great suffering and without any respect for the personality of the individual. We are only here to tell us proud of our democratic life. "Microphone well Gasser Joachim of Antifa Meran:" Only here Italians and Germans together can defend their right to live, without seeing the descent of incivility from other regions of Italy ". At the head of the procession, which was then mosso in direzione piazza Adriano lungo via Dante e viale Druso, si è posizionato il consigliere comunale Guido Margheri (Sel). "La cattiva notizia è che i neofascisti sono arrivati in città, la buona è che i bolzanini della nostra manifestazione sono dieci volte tanto quelli dell’altra". Durante lo spostamento, inoltre si sono aggiunti il sindaco Luigi Spagnolli e l’assessore provinciale Christian Tommasini che hanno testimoniato la loro solidarietà. "Questa è la vera manifestazione – le parole del primo cittadino – mentre dall’altre parte non ci sono i bolzanini". Presenti, tra gli altri, pure rappresentanti di Verdi, Idv, Prc oltre alle bandiere rossonere e i fumogeni lanciati dai gruppi anarchici Bolzano, Merano and Trento. Many, also, placards and banners against live across, ranging from "Fascists on Mars" to "Casapound outlaws", through a nice drawing of the hero of Super Mario Bros games, crushing the turtle, a symbol of the organization right. As a corollary, also flying the many drums and songs of the classic tradition of the Italian left as "Hello Beautiful" and "Red Flag". The collection, in short, is the strong political polarization that has characterized many of the past event, but that has not been seen in Bolzano for a while '. "It makes one weep to see what is happening to us today city: a step back that is frightening, "the declaration of a former militant. A power strip as well, punctuated by the constant questions about the various mobile positioning, number and location of the other parade. Clima heavy consisted, as mentioned, Course in the absurd division of Freedom with the two sides to look so surreal and the police intent not to move even a pin. This attitude has sent into a rage several Bolzano Fadil as Rita: "I have to go to a shop near the square Mazzini and I do not have to pass because they claim that my clothes and my hair are a provocation to Casapound. Absurd. "Of the same tenor of the complaints decine di bolzanini, anche estranei alla manifestazione. Rimane sulla siepe, in mezzo al guado, un ultimo striscione simbolico: “Bolzano è di chi ci abita”.
“Bolzano è di chi ci abita”. L’hanno scritto sugli striscioni e annunciato nei megafoni, richiamando valori come convivenza democratica, rispetto e, inevitabilmente, antifascismo. Sono arrivati in 400 ieri pomeriggio per rispondere all’invito dell’Anpi, degli Studenti Consapevoli e dei partiti della sinistra a dire che Bolzano non tollera la calata dei neofascisti in difesa di monumenti che devono, definitivamente, imboccare la strada della storicizzazione. Inutile negarlo, comunque, che tutta la manifestazione ha vissuto con il convitato di pietra di “Casapound”e le notizie in arrivo dalle piazze Mazzini e Vittoria, fino al paradossale contatto visivo lungo Corso Libertà. La strada nel cuore di Bolzano, cut in two by media and police in riot control and plunged into a tense silence and unreal, was the iconic image of a tough day for the city at once relegated to the atmosphere of a few decades ago. Some Bolzano has even been prevented from passing on the other side of the course because the hair too long or a particular clothing could be a provocation to the procession of "Casapound.
The meeting of the event in the early afternoon, however, marked the official dedication of the plaza outside the offices of University Hospital in via Innerhofer Franz, a teacher victim of fascist murder April 24, 1921. The bridge antifascist however, was thrown in with the intergenerational Anpi alongside the students aware. "For us it is very important - said the president of the South Tyrolean Lionello Bertoldi - dealing with young people because now it's up to defend their values \u200b\u200band achievements of the Constitution of the partisan struggle. Today we have the city overrun by neo-fascists who debase the foundations of democracy in order to identify wrecks that should be kept in history. We must, instead, enhance our autonomy as an equal exchange and know us as the right to self-government ". "Never again fascism-echoes the counterpart Sandro Schmidt Trentino - Alto Adige, Italy and Europe. It's about time certain organizations such as Casapound were considered outlaws rather than allowing their mournful marches on monuments of the past. "side, as mentioned, rises the voice of the students aware, represented by James Gatti." What an ugly note that there are people who puts their identity sad relics of marble set in with great suffering and without any respect for the personality of the individual. We are only here to tell us proud of our democratic life. "Microphone well Gasser Joachim of Antifa Meran:" Only here Italians and Germans together can defend their right to live, without seeing the descent of incivility from other regions of Italy ". At the head of the procession, which was then mosso in direzione piazza Adriano lungo via Dante e viale Druso, si è posizionato il consigliere comunale Guido Margheri (Sel). "La cattiva notizia è che i neofascisti sono arrivati in città, la buona è che i bolzanini della nostra manifestazione sono dieci volte tanto quelli dell’altra". Durante lo spostamento, inoltre si sono aggiunti il sindaco Luigi Spagnolli e l’assessore provinciale Christian Tommasini che hanno testimoniato la loro solidarietà. "Questa è la vera manifestazione – le parole del primo cittadino – mentre dall’altre parte non ci sono i bolzanini". Presenti, tra gli altri, pure rappresentanti di Verdi, Idv, Prc oltre alle bandiere rossonere e i fumogeni lanciati dai gruppi anarchici Bolzano, Merano and Trento. Many, also, placards and banners against live across, ranging from "Fascists on Mars" to "Casapound outlaws", through a nice drawing of the hero of Super Mario Bros games, crushing the turtle, a symbol of the organization right. As a corollary, also flying the many drums and songs of the classic tradition of the Italian left as "Hello Beautiful" and "Red Flag". The collection, in short, is the strong political polarization that has characterized many of the past event, but that has not been seen in Bolzano for a while '. "It makes one weep to see what is happening to us today city: a step back that is frightening, "the declaration of a former militant. A power strip as well, punctuated by the constant questions about the various mobile positioning, number and location of the other parade. Clima heavy consisted, as mentioned, Course in the absurd division of Freedom with the two sides to look so surreal and the police intent not to move even a pin. This attitude has sent into a rage several Bolzano Fadil as Rita: "I have to go to a shop near the square Mazzini and I do not have to pass because they claim that my clothes and my hair are a provocation to Casapound. Absurd. "Of the same tenor of the complaints decine di bolzanini, anche estranei alla manifestazione. Rimane sulla siepe, in mezzo al guado, un ultimo striscione simbolico: “Bolzano è di chi ci abita”.
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Anpi against fascism "Bolzano is here, to live together"
“Bolzano è di chi ci abita”. L’hanno scritto sugli striscioni e annunciato nei megafoni, richiamando valori come convivenza democratica, rispetto e, inevitabilmente, antifascismo. Sono arrivati in 400 ieri pomeriggio per rispondere all’invito dell’Anpi, degli Studenti Consapevoli e dei partiti della sinistra a dire che Bolzano non tollera la calata dei neofascisti in difesa di monumenti che devono, definitivamente, imboccare la strada della storicizzazione. Inutile negarlo, comunque, che tutta la manifestazione ha vissuto con il convitato di pietra di “Casapound”e le notizie in arrivo dalle piazze Mazzini e Vittoria, fino al paradossale contatto visivo lungo Corso Libertà. La strada nel cuore di Bolzano, cut in two by media and police in riot control and plunged into a tense silence and unreal, was the iconic image of a tough day for the city at once relegated to the atmosphere of a few decades ago. Some Bolzano has even been prevented from passing on the other side of the course because the hair too long or a particular clothing could be a provocation to the procession of "Casapound.
The meeting of the event in the early afternoon, however, marked the official dedication of the plaza outside the offices of University Hospital in via Innerhofer Franz, a teacher victim of fascist murder April 24, 1921. The bridge antifascist however, was thrown in with the intergenerational Anpi alongside the students aware. "For us it is very important - said the president of the South Tyrolean Lionello Bertoldi - dealing with young people because now it's up to defend their values \u200b\u200band achievements of the Constitution of the partisan struggle. Today we have the city overrun by neo-fascists who debase the foundations of democracy in order to identify wrecks that should be kept in history. We must, instead, enhance our autonomy as an equal exchange and know us as the right to self-government ". "Never again fascism-echoes the counterpart Sandro Schmidt Trentino - Alto Adige, Italy and Europe. It's about time certain organizations such as Casapound were considered outlaws rather than allowing their mournful marches on monuments of the past. "side, as mentioned, rises the voice of the students aware, represented by James Gatti." What an ugly note that there are people who puts their identity sad relics of marble set in with great suffering and without any respect for the personality of the individual. We are only here to tell us proud of our democratic life. "Microphone well Gasser Joachim of Antifa Meran:" Only here Italians and Germans together can defend their right to live, without seeing the descent of incivility from other regions of Italy ". At the head of the procession, which was then mosso in direzione piazza Adriano lungo via Dante e viale Druso, si è posizionato il consigliere comunale Guido Margheri (Sel). "La cattiva notizia è che i neofascisti sono arrivati in città, la buona è che i bolzanini della nostra manifestazione sono dieci volte tanto quelli dell’altra". Durante lo spostamento, inoltre si sono aggiunti il sindaco Luigi Spagnolli e l’assessore provinciale Christian Tommasini che hanno testimoniato la loro solidarietà. "Questa è la vera manifestazione – le parole del primo cittadino – mentre dall’altre parte non ci sono i bolzanini". Presenti, tra gli altri, pure rappresentanti di Verdi, Idv, Prc oltre alle bandiere rossonere e i fumogeni lanciati dai gruppi anarchici Bolzano, Merano and Trento. Many, also, placards and banners against live across, ranging from "Fascists on Mars" to "Casapound outlaws", through a nice drawing of the hero of Super Mario Bros games, crushing the turtle, a symbol of the organization right. As a corollary, also flying the many drums and songs of the classic tradition of the Italian left as "Hello Beautiful" and "Red Flag". The collection, in short, is the strong political polarization that has characterized many of the past event, but that has not been seen in Bolzano for a while '. "It makes one weep to see what is happening to us today city: a step back that is frightening, "the declaration of a former militant. A power strip as well, punctuated by the constant questions about the various mobile positioning, number and location of the other parade. Clima heavy consisted, as mentioned, Course in the absurd division of Freedom with the two sides to look so surreal and the police intent not to move even a pin. This attitude has sent into a rage several Bolzano Fadil as Rita: "I have to go to a shop near the square Mazzini and I do not have to pass because they claim that my clothes and my hair are a provocation to Casapound. Absurd. "Of the same tenor of the complaints decine di bolzanini, anche estranei alla manifestazione. Rimane sulla siepe, in mezzo al guado, un ultimo striscione simbolico: “Bolzano è di chi ci abita”.
“Bolzano è di chi ci abita”. L’hanno scritto sugli striscioni e annunciato nei megafoni, richiamando valori come convivenza democratica, rispetto e, inevitabilmente, antifascismo. Sono arrivati in 400 ieri pomeriggio per rispondere all’invito dell’Anpi, degli Studenti Consapevoli e dei partiti della sinistra a dire che Bolzano non tollera la calata dei neofascisti in difesa di monumenti che devono, definitivamente, imboccare la strada della storicizzazione. Inutile negarlo, comunque, che tutta la manifestazione ha vissuto con il convitato di pietra di “Casapound”e le notizie in arrivo dalle piazze Mazzini e Vittoria, fino al paradossale contatto visivo lungo Corso Libertà. La strada nel cuore di Bolzano, cut in two by media and police in riot control and plunged into a tense silence and unreal, was the iconic image of a tough day for the city at once relegated to the atmosphere of a few decades ago. Some Bolzano has even been prevented from passing on the other side of the course because the hair too long or a particular clothing could be a provocation to the procession of "Casapound.
The meeting of the event in the early afternoon, however, marked the official dedication of the plaza outside the offices of University Hospital in via Innerhofer Franz, a teacher victim of fascist murder April 24, 1921. The bridge antifascist however, was thrown in with the intergenerational Anpi alongside the students aware. "For us it is very important - said the president of the South Tyrolean Lionello Bertoldi - dealing with young people because now it's up to defend their values \u200b\u200band achievements of the Constitution of the partisan struggle. Today we have the city overrun by neo-fascists who debase the foundations of democracy in order to identify wrecks that should be kept in history. We must, instead, enhance our autonomy as an equal exchange and know us as the right to self-government ". "Never again fascism-echoes the counterpart Sandro Schmidt Trentino - Alto Adige, Italy and Europe. It's about time certain organizations such as Casapound were considered outlaws rather than allowing their mournful marches on monuments of the past. "side, as mentioned, rises the voice of the students aware, represented by James Gatti." What an ugly note that there are people who puts their identity sad relics of marble set in with great suffering and without any respect for the personality of the individual. We are only here to tell us proud of our democratic life. "Microphone well Gasser Joachim of Antifa Meran:" Only here Italians and Germans together can defend their right to live, without seeing the descent of incivility from other regions of Italy ". At the head of the procession, which was then mosso in direzione piazza Adriano lungo via Dante e viale Druso, si è posizionato il consigliere comunale Guido Margheri (Sel). "La cattiva notizia è che i neofascisti sono arrivati in città, la buona è che i bolzanini della nostra manifestazione sono dieci volte tanto quelli dell’altra". Durante lo spostamento, inoltre si sono aggiunti il sindaco Luigi Spagnolli e l’assessore provinciale Christian Tommasini che hanno testimoniato la loro solidarietà. "Questa è la vera manifestazione – le parole del primo cittadino – mentre dall’altre parte non ci sono i bolzanini". Presenti, tra gli altri, pure rappresentanti di Verdi, Idv, Prc oltre alle bandiere rossonere e i fumogeni lanciati dai gruppi anarchici Bolzano, Merano and Trento. Many, also, placards and banners against live across, ranging from "Fascists on Mars" to "Casapound outlaws", through a nice drawing of the hero of Super Mario Bros games, crushing the turtle, a symbol of the organization right. As a corollary, also flying the many drums and songs of the classic tradition of the Italian left as "Hello Beautiful" and "Red Flag". The collection, in short, is the strong political polarization that has characterized many of the past event, but that has not been seen in Bolzano for a while '. "It makes one weep to see what is happening to us today city: a step back that is frightening, "the declaration of a former militant. A power strip as well, punctuated by the constant questions about the various mobile positioning, number and location of the other parade. Clima heavy consisted, as mentioned, Course in the absurd division of Freedom with the two sides to look so surreal and the police intent not to move even a pin. This attitude has sent into a rage several Bolzano Fadil as Rita: "I have to go to a shop near the square Mazzini and I do not have to pass because they claim that my clothes and my hair are a provocation to Casapound. Absurd. "Of the same tenor of the complaints decine di bolzanini, anche estranei alla manifestazione. Rimane sulla siepe, in mezzo al guado, un ultimo striscione simbolico: “Bolzano è di chi ci abita”.
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Viale Europa : the decline of the 'elevated'. They closed 15 stores
Alan Conti
BOLZANO. Sentirsi come un'occasione buttata. E' quello che accade a commercianti ed esercenti della sopraelevata "Europa" che sovrasta l'incrocio di viale Europa con via del Ronco. Traffico inesistente, buona presenza di servizi, quartiere popolare, possibilità di spazi con addirittura un paio di gallerie a disposizione e varietà nell'offerta: tutti i requisiti messi sul tavolo dall'assessore Thomas Widmann sul tema centro commerciale naturale trovano qui applicazione naturale. Eppure by the provincial offices, the solution is not even been explored, much less one has bothered to take pictures of the various promotions at the counter bar. Apart from a large-scale projects, therefore, the merchants of the overpass, turn to the City asking for enhancements included: the redevelopment of old and dirty access ramps to the organization of several initiatives that could attract Bolzano. All this, moreover, in a district that must find solutions to unstuck off the label of "dormitory." The start, the brothers Ivan and Julie Prearo homonym hairstyle is characterized by an evergreen Bolzano, "Parking. The failure is total and very few handkerchiefs There are insufficient. It would be nice, too, that you did more attention to general cleaning, especially on exterior walls. We are not against the graffiti of the boys, but would work much longer if placed in an art project staff, as done under the bridge Palermo. Positive, however, the visibility that we can have up Via del Ronco and the conformation of the commercial zone that allows you to work well. " The customer Gianni Nicoletti back to your arms on clean speech. "A real shame because it would be enough just to restore luster to the overpass. The layout of stores, also should be redesigned to encourage the influx of more Bolzano. Nearby, the counter bar "Le Bistrò", Antonio D'Onofrio racconta cosa significhi lavorare un piano più in alto rispetto al resto della città. «La gente non passa di qui per caso, ma viene a cercarti. Logico che questo determini un'attenzione alla qualità, al servizio e all'educazione che deve essere più spiccata rispetto alle strade di passaggio. Non mi spiego, però, perché la nostra tassazione debba essere identica, per esempio, al bar dell'ospedale dove il transito è continuo. Sarebbe bello, comunque, che anche gli amministratori venissero una volta a fare un giro da queste parti e studiassero la possibilità di organizzare qualche manifestazione in un contesto tutto sommato favorevole. Noi, comunque, possiamo metterci del nostro e il successo delle particolari luminarie natalizie dimostra che, talvolta, l'iniziativa privata viene premiata». «L'unico mercatino che viene organizzato - interviene da un tavolino Antonio Palladino - è francamente brutto e sciatto. Il Comune cominci a investire i soldi per cancellare delle scritte presenti ormai da tantissimi anni». Per arrivare in alto, comunque, bisogna percorrere le scale mobili o le rampe «che sono inguardabili - sentenzia Stefano Menini dell'omonimo tabacchino - con pezzi di cemento armato cadenti, spuntoni e trascuratezza. Già è difficile avere visibilità e attirare la gente: con questo biglietto da visita tutto si complica. Noi, logicamente, ci rivolgiamo in modo particolare a residenti e lavoratori della area, but it is a mystery that recently the work has fallen. The car parks are also a more sensitive issue because nothing has been done to improve the receptivity of an area that has a provincial buildings, supermarket, services, and, recently, even the game room. " Those who try to give the shock are Pronesti Jessica Morris and Pascal, a few months the bar owners "Manager". "First of all it would take a flight of stairs to access directly from the center of Via del Ronco walk around the complex because it is inconvenient for customers, but it is also a problem for suppliers. True, however, that the short passage led to the closure of many shops and galleries, many are used solely as a showcase. We work with a nice terrace and a number of initiatives which could increase the open area. " Closure with those who know the flyover for 29 years: +-Alan Conti
zoom. BOLZANO. Feeling like an opportunity wasted. That 's what happens to traders and merchants of the overpass, "Europe" that dominates the intersection of Viale Europa Via del Ronco. Non-existent traffic, Good facility, district, with the possibility of even a couple of spaces available and galleries offer variety: all the requirements put on the table on the Councillor Thomas Widmann natural shopping center are a natural application here. Yet by the provincial offices, the solution is not even been explored, much less one has bothered to take pictures of the various promotions at the counter bar. Apart from a large-scale projects, therefore, the merchants of the overpass, turn to the City asking for enhancements included: the redevelopment of old and dirty access ramps to the organization of several initiatives that could attract Bolzano. All this, moreover, in a district that must find solutions to unstuck off the label of "dormitory." The start, the brothers Ivan and Julie Prearo homonym hairstyle is characterized by an evergreen Bolzano, "Parking. The failure is total and very few tissues available are insufficient. It would be nice also who did more attention to general cleaning, especially on exterior walls. We are not against the graffiti of the boys, but would work much longer if placed in an art project staff, as done under the bridge Palermo. Positive, however, the visibility that we can have up Via del Ronco and the conformation of the commercial zone that allows you to work well. " The customer Gianni Nicoletti back to your arms on clean speech. "A real shame because it would be enough just to restore luster to the overpass. The layout of stores, also should be redesigned to encourage the influx of more Bolzano. Nearby, from the bar "Le Bistro", Antonio D'Onofrio tells what work means a higher level than the rest of the city. "People never goes out of here by accident, but is looking for you. Logical that this leads to a focus on quality, service and education to be more pronounced than the roads passing through. I can not explain, however, because our taxes should be identical, for example, the cafeteria where the transit is continuous. It would be nice, however, that administrators were once on a tour around here and study the possibility of organizing some event in a altogether favorable. We, however, we can put our success and the special Christmas lights show that, sometimes, private initiative is rewarded. " "The only market that is organized - Antonio Palladino spoke from a table - is downright ugly and sloppy. The City begins to invest the money to clear the written now present for many years. " To reach the top, however, you must take the escalators or ramps "that are unwatchable - Judgement Stefano Menini eponymous tobacconist - with pieces of concrete falling, spikes and neglect. It is already difficult to attract people and visibility, with this card everything is complicated. We, of course, we cater especially to residents and workers in the area, but it is not a mystery that recently the work has declined. The car parks are also a more sensitive issue because nothing has been done to improve the receptivity of an area that has a provincial buildings, supermarket, services, and, recently, even the game room. " Those who try to give the shock are Pronesti Jessica Morris and Pascal, a few months the bar owners "Manager". "First of all it would take a flight of stairs to access directly from the center of Via del Ronco walk around the complex because it is inconvenient for customers, but it is also a problem for suppliers. True, however, that the short passage led to the closure of many shops and galleries, many are used solely as a showcase. We work with a nice terrace and a number of open-air events that could revive the area. " Closure with those who know the flyover for 29 years: +-Alan Conti
zoom. BOLZANO. Feeling like an opportunity wasted. That 's what happens to traders and merchants of the overpass, "Europe" that dominates the intersection of Viale Europa Via del Ronco. Non-existent traffic, Good facility, district, with the possibility of even a couple of spaces available and galleries offer variety: all the requirements put on the table on the Councillor Thomas Widmann natural shopping center are a natural application here. Yet by the provincial offices, the solution is not even been explored, much less one has bothered to do promotional photos al bancone dei vari bar. Messi da parte i grandi progetti, dunque, i commercianti della sopraelevata si rivolgono al Comune per chiedere migliorie più contenute: dalla riqualificazione di rampe d'accesso vetuste e imbrattate all'organizzazione di più iniziative che possano attirare i bolzanini. Il tutto, inoltre, all'interno di un rione che deve trovare delle soluzioni per scollarsi di dosso l'etichetta di "dormitorio". La partenza, con i fratelli Ivan e Giuliano Prearo dell'omonima acconciatura, è caratterizzata da un evergreen bolzanino: «Il parcheggio. La mancanza è davvero totale e i pochi fazzoletti a disposizione sono insufficienti. Sarebbe bello, inoltre, che si facesse più attenzione alla pulizia generale, soprattutto on the outer walls. We are not against the graffiti of the boys, but would work much longer if placed in an art project staff, as done under the bridge Palermo. Positive, however, the visibility that we can have up Via del Ronco and the conformation of the commercial zone that allows you to work well. " The customer Gianni Nicoletti back to your arms on clean speech. "A real shame because it would be enough just to restore luster to the overpass. The layout of stores, also should be redesigned to encourage the influx of more Bolzano. Nearby, from the bar "Le Bistro", Antonio D'Onofrio says what it means to work on a higher plane than the rest of the city. "People never goes out of here by accident, but is looking for you. Logical that this leads to a focus on quality, service and education to be more pronounced than the roads passing through. I can not explain, however, because our taxes should be identical, for example, the cafeteria where the transit is continuous. It would be nice, however, that administrators were once on a tour around here and study the possibility of organizing some event in a altogether favorable. We, however, we can put our success and the special Christmas lights shows that, sometimes, private initiative is rewarded. " "The only market that is organized - Antonio Palladino spoke from a table - is downright ugly and sloppy. The City begins to invest the money to clear the written now present for many years. " To reach the top, however, you must take the escalators or ramps "that are unwatchable - Judgement Stefano Menini eponymous tobacconist - with pieces of concrete falling, spikes and neglect. It is already difficult to attract people and visibility, with this card everything is complicated. We, of course, we cater especially to residents and workers in the area, but it's no secret that lately the work has fallen. The car parks are also a more sensitive issue because nulla è stato fatto per migliorare la recettività di una zona che conta palazzi provinciali, supermercato, servizi e, da poco, persino la sala giochi». Chi prova a dare la scossa sono Jessica Pronesti e Morris Pascal, da pochi mesi titolari del bar "Manager". «Prima di tutto ci vorrebbe una rampa di scale d'accesso direttamente dal centro di via del Ronco perché percorrere tutto il complesso è scomodo per i clienti, ma rappresenta un problema anche per i fornitori. Vero, invece, che il poco passaggio ha determinato la chiusura di molto negozi e nelle gallerie molti sono utilizzati unicamente come una vetrina. Per questo lavoriamo a un dehors curato e a diverse iniziative all'aperto che possano ravvivare la zona». Chiusura con chi la elevated for 29 years knows: Sonia Arcuri "Mode Sonia." "Over the years the situation has changed dramatically, with at least 15 shops have closed. Shoot the fruit and vegetables, the Scarborough and neighborhood businesses. Clothing, for example, I was the only one. Evident that the aging of the quarter is tangible and its conformation dorm increasingly pronounced. Despite the strong presence of a service plan to Via del Ronco, which also includes a supermarket and pharmacy, little or nothing is done to us. We are not asking a lot: it is sufficient, for example, a Christmas tree in town or some particular event. We, finally, we propose a definite advantage: there would be no road to be closed to traffic
Alan Conti
BOLZANO. Sentirsi come un'occasione buttata. E' quello che accade a commercianti ed esercenti della sopraelevata "Europa" che sovrasta l'incrocio di viale Europa con via del Ronco. Traffico inesistente, buona presenza di servizi, quartiere popolare, possibilità di spazi con addirittura un paio di gallerie a disposizione e varietà nell'offerta: tutti i requisiti messi sul tavolo dall'assessore Thomas Widmann sul tema centro commerciale naturale trovano qui applicazione naturale. Eppure by the provincial offices, the solution is not even been explored, much less one has bothered to take pictures of the various promotions at the counter bar. Apart from a large-scale projects, therefore, the merchants of the overpass, turn to the City asking for enhancements included: the redevelopment of old and dirty access ramps to the organization of several initiatives that could attract Bolzano. All this, moreover, in a district that must find solutions to unstuck off the label of "dormitory." The start, the brothers Ivan and Julie Prearo homonym hairstyle is characterized by an evergreen Bolzano, "Parking. The failure is total and very few handkerchiefs There are insufficient. It would be nice, too, that you did more attention to general cleaning, especially on exterior walls. We are not against the graffiti of the boys, but would work much longer if placed in an art project staff, as done under the bridge Palermo. Positive, however, the visibility that we can have up Via del Ronco and the conformation of the commercial zone that allows you to work well. " The customer Gianni Nicoletti back to your arms on clean speech. "A real shame because it would be enough just to restore luster to the overpass. The layout of stores, also should be redesigned to encourage the influx of more Bolzano. Nearby, the counter bar "Le Bistrò", Antonio D'Onofrio racconta cosa significhi lavorare un piano più in alto rispetto al resto della città. «La gente non passa di qui per caso, ma viene a cercarti. Logico che questo determini un'attenzione alla qualità, al servizio e all'educazione che deve essere più spiccata rispetto alle strade di passaggio. Non mi spiego, però, perché la nostra tassazione debba essere identica, per esempio, al bar dell'ospedale dove il transito è continuo. Sarebbe bello, comunque, che anche gli amministratori venissero una volta a fare un giro da queste parti e studiassero la possibilità di organizzare qualche manifestazione in un contesto tutto sommato favorevole. Noi, comunque, possiamo metterci del nostro e il successo delle particolari luminarie natalizie dimostra che, talvolta, l'iniziativa privata viene premiata». «L'unico mercatino che viene organizzato - interviene da un tavolino Antonio Palladino - è francamente brutto e sciatto. Il Comune cominci a investire i soldi per cancellare delle scritte presenti ormai da tantissimi anni». Per arrivare in alto, comunque, bisogna percorrere le scale mobili o le rampe «che sono inguardabili - sentenzia Stefano Menini dell'omonimo tabacchino - con pezzi di cemento armato cadenti, spuntoni e trascuratezza. Già è difficile avere visibilità e attirare la gente: con questo biglietto da visita tutto si complica. Noi, logicamente, ci rivolgiamo in modo particolare a residenti e lavoratori della area, but it is a mystery that recently the work has fallen. The car parks are also a more sensitive issue because nothing has been done to improve the receptivity of an area that has a provincial buildings, supermarket, services, and, recently, even the game room. " Those who try to give the shock are Pronesti Jessica Morris and Pascal, a few months the bar owners "Manager". "First of all it would take a flight of stairs to access directly from the center of Via del Ronco walk around the complex because it is inconvenient for customers, but it is also a problem for suppliers. True, however, that the short passage led to the closure of many shops and galleries, many are used solely as a showcase. We work with a nice terrace and a number of initiatives which could increase the open area. " Closure with those who know the flyover for 29 years: +-Alan Conti
zoom. BOLZANO. Feeling like an opportunity wasted. That 's what happens to traders and merchants of the overpass, "Europe" that dominates the intersection of Viale Europa Via del Ronco. Non-existent traffic, Good facility, district, with the possibility of even a couple of spaces available and galleries offer variety: all the requirements put on the table on the Councillor Thomas Widmann natural shopping center are a natural application here. Yet by the provincial offices, the solution is not even been explored, much less one has bothered to take pictures of the various promotions at the counter bar. Apart from a large-scale projects, therefore, the merchants of the overpass, turn to the City asking for enhancements included: the redevelopment of old and dirty access ramps to the organization of several initiatives that could attract Bolzano. All this, moreover, in a district that must find solutions to unstuck off the label of "dormitory." The start, the brothers Ivan and Julie Prearo homonym hairstyle is characterized by an evergreen Bolzano, "Parking. The failure is total and very few tissues available are insufficient. It would be nice also who did more attention to general cleaning, especially on exterior walls. We are not against the graffiti of the boys, but would work much longer if placed in an art project staff, as done under the bridge Palermo. Positive, however, the visibility that we can have up Via del Ronco and the conformation of the commercial zone that allows you to work well. " The customer Gianni Nicoletti back to your arms on clean speech. "A real shame because it would be enough just to restore luster to the overpass. The layout of stores, also should be redesigned to encourage the influx of more Bolzano. Nearby, from the bar "Le Bistro", Antonio D'Onofrio tells what work means a higher level than the rest of the city. "People never goes out of here by accident, but is looking for you. Logical that this leads to a focus on quality, service and education to be more pronounced than the roads passing through. I can not explain, however, because our taxes should be identical, for example, the cafeteria where the transit is continuous. It would be nice, however, that administrators were once on a tour around here and study the possibility of organizing some event in a altogether favorable. We, however, we can put our success and the special Christmas lights show that, sometimes, private initiative is rewarded. " "The only market that is organized - Antonio Palladino spoke from a table - is downright ugly and sloppy. The City begins to invest the money to clear the written now present for many years. " To reach the top, however, you must take the escalators or ramps "that are unwatchable - Judgement Stefano Menini eponymous tobacconist - with pieces of concrete falling, spikes and neglect. It is already difficult to attract people and visibility, with this card everything is complicated. We, of course, we cater especially to residents and workers in the area, but it is not a mystery that recently the work has declined. The car parks are also a more sensitive issue because nothing has been done to improve the receptivity of an area that has a provincial buildings, supermarket, services, and, recently, even the game room. " Those who try to give the shock are Pronesti Jessica Morris and Pascal, a few months the bar owners "Manager". "First of all it would take a flight of stairs to access directly from the center of Via del Ronco walk around the complex because it is inconvenient for customers, but it is also a problem for suppliers. True, however, that the short passage led to the closure of many shops and galleries, many are used solely as a showcase. We work with a nice terrace and a number of open-air events that could revive the area. " Closure with those who know the flyover for 29 years: +-Alan Conti
zoom. BOLZANO. Feeling like an opportunity wasted. That 's what happens to traders and merchants of the overpass, "Europe" that dominates the intersection of Viale Europa Via del Ronco. Non-existent traffic, Good facility, district, with the possibility of even a couple of spaces available and galleries offer variety: all the requirements put on the table on the Councillor Thomas Widmann natural shopping center are a natural application here. Yet by the provincial offices, the solution is not even been explored, much less one has bothered to do promotional photos al bancone dei vari bar. Messi da parte i grandi progetti, dunque, i commercianti della sopraelevata si rivolgono al Comune per chiedere migliorie più contenute: dalla riqualificazione di rampe d'accesso vetuste e imbrattate all'organizzazione di più iniziative che possano attirare i bolzanini. Il tutto, inoltre, all'interno di un rione che deve trovare delle soluzioni per scollarsi di dosso l'etichetta di "dormitorio". La partenza, con i fratelli Ivan e Giuliano Prearo dell'omonima acconciatura, è caratterizzata da un evergreen bolzanino: «Il parcheggio. La mancanza è davvero totale e i pochi fazzoletti a disposizione sono insufficienti. Sarebbe bello, inoltre, che si facesse più attenzione alla pulizia generale, soprattutto on the outer walls. We are not against the graffiti of the boys, but would work much longer if placed in an art project staff, as done under the bridge Palermo. Positive, however, the visibility that we can have up Via del Ronco and the conformation of the commercial zone that allows you to work well. " The customer Gianni Nicoletti back to your arms on clean speech. "A real shame because it would be enough just to restore luster to the overpass. The layout of stores, also should be redesigned to encourage the influx of more Bolzano. Nearby, from the bar "Le Bistro", Antonio D'Onofrio says what it means to work on a higher plane than the rest of the city. "People never goes out of here by accident, but is looking for you. Logical that this leads to a focus on quality, service and education to be more pronounced than the roads passing through. I can not explain, however, because our taxes should be identical, for example, the cafeteria where the transit is continuous. It would be nice, however, that administrators were once on a tour around here and study the possibility of organizing some event in a altogether favorable. We, however, we can put our success and the special Christmas lights shows that, sometimes, private initiative is rewarded. " "The only market that is organized - Antonio Palladino spoke from a table - is downright ugly and sloppy. The City begins to invest the money to clear the written now present for many years. " To reach the top, however, you must take the escalators or ramps "that are unwatchable - Judgement Stefano Menini eponymous tobacconist - with pieces of concrete falling, spikes and neglect. It is already difficult to attract people and visibility, with this card everything is complicated. We, of course, we cater especially to residents and workers in the area, but it's no secret that lately the work has fallen. The car parks are also a more sensitive issue because nulla è stato fatto per migliorare la recettività di una zona che conta palazzi provinciali, supermercato, servizi e, da poco, persino la sala giochi». Chi prova a dare la scossa sono Jessica Pronesti e Morris Pascal, da pochi mesi titolari del bar "Manager". «Prima di tutto ci vorrebbe una rampa di scale d'accesso direttamente dal centro di via del Ronco perché percorrere tutto il complesso è scomodo per i clienti, ma rappresenta un problema anche per i fornitori. Vero, invece, che il poco passaggio ha determinato la chiusura di molto negozi e nelle gallerie molti sono utilizzati unicamente come una vetrina. Per questo lavoriamo a un dehors curato e a diverse iniziative all'aperto che possano ravvivare la zona». Chiusura con chi la elevated for 29 years knows: Sonia Arcuri "Mode Sonia." "Over the years the situation has changed dramatically, with at least 15 shops have closed. Shoot the fruit and vegetables, the Scarborough and neighborhood businesses. Clothing, for example, I was the only one. Evident that the aging of the quarter is tangible and its conformation dorm increasingly pronounced. Despite the strong presence of a service plan to Via del Ronco, which also includes a supermarket and pharmacy, little or nothing is done to us. We are not asking a lot: it is sufficient, for example, a Christmas tree in town or some particular event. We, finally, we propose a definite advantage: there would be no road to be closed to traffic
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