BOLZANO. Vent'anni di richieste, tra carrozzine di invalidi e passeggini dei bambini, non sono stati sufficienti per convincere l'Ipes a costruire un ascensore al civico 61/A di via Torino. La beffa, però, è che in molte case nelle vicinanze sono stati realizzati senza battere ciglio e ora gli inquilini, stufi, alzano la voce e chiedono all'istituto quali siano i criteri di preferenza accordata alle altre scale. La questione degli ascensori, comunque, è da tempo tasto delicato in via Torino, con l'Ipes che si è sempre rifiutata di avvallare opere in vetro, considerate dagli inquilini più economiche e luminose, per sostenere i lavori in muratura, sicuramente più costosi. The imperative "niet" pronounced at the time, by Stefano Grando, however, was denied by glass works in other areas of the city with similar context. Nothing, however, the horizon appears to move because in the aftermath of the scandal involving the Institute is the absolute vacancy of a building administrator for homes via Torino without, however, that the lines of expenditure have declined of a cent. "Our situation - says Maria Luisa Concini, newel of the building in Via Torino 61 / A - is a paradox. In the last floors of the building we have elderly, disabled and children to take up the stairs with the stroller, but nobody has accepted our request to build an outdoor elevator. " Concannon has also taken the trouble to count the steps: "A total of 80, able to cut the legs of those who can not take special efforts." The curious situation, however, is that a full scale strangely claims to want to work in that compact, generally, is much discussed in various meetings condominium, but the IPES pay no heed to the request. "We have a disabled person, families with children, even one with two twins and dozens of steps to walk each time you need to leave the house. They are not, however, the only ones waiting for this elevator, three people who died would have needed. "
Gina Morandi, with the attendant Snyezhok Lyubov, is among the applicants: "For a long time we did not even have to move house. Fortunately, the Assb gave us a lift electric, but still the same very difficult to go out and go home. It should not be so, moreover in case you think for social support. " Roberta Visentin overlooking the landing: "The elevator would take years and that there is this need. This is yet another episode that demonstrates the inadequacy of many choices made dall'Ipes. In detail, however, concrete proposals were made. "We asked - again Concannon - a glass structure, which would allow a saving of over 30% and the maintenance brightness, but there has always been answered spades. However, there are also other estimates, systematically ignored, in contrast to nearby houses. Annoyed at this point that the Institute has left us without an administrator, waiting to go to a private management. Keeping intact all the costs. Try to give some explanation of the trustee area IPES Giampietro Gervasoni: "I can only say that everything is blocked, at least until you solve the issue manager. True, however, that the glass structure was blocked with a motivation related to the protection of the sets. Now, however, we found this solution in contexts similar to ours, and then some window of opportunity could also be. " Hoping not to exploit it in another twenty years. (C) 6 March 2011
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