Alan Conti
BOLZANO. Sentirsi come un'occasione buttata. E' quello che accade a commercianti ed esercenti della sopraelevata "Europa" che sovrasta l'incrocio di viale Europa con via del Ronco. Traffico inesistente, buona presenza di servizi, quartiere popolare, possibilità di spazi con addirittura un paio di gallerie a disposizione e varietà nell'offerta: tutti i requisiti messi sul tavolo dall'assessore Thomas Widmann sul tema centro commerciale naturale trovano qui applicazione naturale. Eppure by the provincial offices, the solution is not even been explored, much less one has bothered to take pictures of the various promotions at the counter bar. Apart from a large-scale projects, therefore, the merchants of the overpass, turn to the City asking for enhancements included: the redevelopment of old and dirty access ramps to the organization of several initiatives that could attract Bolzano. All this, moreover, in a district that must find solutions to unstuck off the label of "dormitory." The start, the brothers Ivan and Julie Prearo homonym hairstyle is characterized by an evergreen Bolzano, "Parking. The failure is total and very few handkerchiefs There are insufficient. It would be nice, too, that you did more attention to general cleaning, especially on exterior walls. We are not against the graffiti of the boys, but would work much longer if placed in an art project staff, as done under the bridge Palermo. Positive, however, the visibility that we can have up Via del Ronco and the conformation of the commercial zone that allows you to work well. " The customer Gianni Nicoletti back to your arms on clean speech. "A real shame because it would be enough just to restore luster to the overpass. The layout of stores, also should be redesigned to encourage the influx of more Bolzano. Nearby, the counter bar "Le Bistrò", Antonio D'Onofrio racconta cosa significhi lavorare un piano più in alto rispetto al resto della città. «La gente non passa di qui per caso, ma viene a cercarti. Logico che questo determini un'attenzione alla qualità, al servizio e all'educazione che deve essere più spiccata rispetto alle strade di passaggio. Non mi spiego, però, perché la nostra tassazione debba essere identica, per esempio, al bar dell'ospedale dove il transito è continuo. Sarebbe bello, comunque, che anche gli amministratori venissero una volta a fare un giro da queste parti e studiassero la possibilità di organizzare qualche manifestazione in un contesto tutto sommato favorevole. Noi, comunque, possiamo metterci del nostro e il successo delle particolari luminarie natalizie dimostra che, talvolta, l'iniziativa privata viene premiata». «L'unico mercatino che viene organizzato - interviene da un tavolino Antonio Palladino - è francamente brutto e sciatto. Il Comune cominci a investire i soldi per cancellare delle scritte presenti ormai da tantissimi anni». Per arrivare in alto, comunque, bisogna percorrere le scale mobili o le rampe «che sono inguardabili - sentenzia Stefano Menini dell'omonimo tabacchino - con pezzi di cemento armato cadenti, spuntoni e trascuratezza. Già è difficile avere visibilità e attirare la gente: con questo biglietto da visita tutto si complica. Noi, logicamente, ci rivolgiamo in modo particolare a residenti e lavoratori della area, but it is a mystery that recently the work has fallen. The car parks are also a more sensitive issue because nothing has been done to improve the receptivity of an area that has a provincial buildings, supermarket, services, and, recently, even the game room. " Those who try to give the shock are Pronesti Jessica Morris and Pascal, a few months the bar owners "Manager". "First of all it would take a flight of stairs to access directly from the center of Via del Ronco walk around the complex because it is inconvenient for customers, but it is also a problem for suppliers. True, however, that the short passage led to the closure of many shops and galleries, many are used solely as a showcase. We work with a nice terrace and a number of initiatives which could increase the open area. " Closure with those who know the flyover for 29 years: +-Alan Conti
zoom. BOLZANO. Feeling like an opportunity wasted. That 's what happens to traders and merchants of the overpass, "Europe" that dominates the intersection of Viale Europa Via del Ronco. Non-existent traffic, Good facility, district, with the possibility of even a couple of spaces available and galleries offer variety: all the requirements put on the table on the Councillor Thomas Widmann natural shopping center are a natural application here. Yet by the provincial offices, the solution is not even been explored, much less one has bothered to take pictures of the various promotions at the counter bar. Apart from a large-scale projects, therefore, the merchants of the overpass, turn to the City asking for enhancements included: the redevelopment of old and dirty access ramps to the organization of several initiatives that could attract Bolzano. All this, moreover, in a district that must find solutions to unstuck off the label of "dormitory." The start, the brothers Ivan and Julie Prearo homonym hairstyle is characterized by an evergreen Bolzano, "Parking. The failure is total and very few tissues available are insufficient. It would be nice also who did more attention to general cleaning, especially on exterior walls. We are not against the graffiti of the boys, but would work much longer if placed in an art project staff, as done under the bridge Palermo. Positive, however, the visibility that we can have up Via del Ronco and the conformation of the commercial zone that allows you to work well. " The customer Gianni Nicoletti back to your arms on clean speech. "A real shame because it would be enough just to restore luster to the overpass. The layout of stores, also should be redesigned to encourage the influx of more Bolzano. Nearby, from the bar "Le Bistro", Antonio D'Onofrio tells what work means a higher level than the rest of the city. "People never goes out of here by accident, but is looking for you. Logical that this leads to a focus on quality, service and education to be more pronounced than the roads passing through. I can not explain, however, because our taxes should be identical, for example, the cafeteria where the transit is continuous. It would be nice, however, that administrators were once on a tour around here and study the possibility of organizing some event in a altogether favorable. We, however, we can put our success and the special Christmas lights show that, sometimes, private initiative is rewarded. " "The only market that is organized - Antonio Palladino spoke from a table - is downright ugly and sloppy. The City begins to invest the money to clear the written now present for many years. " To reach the top, however, you must take the escalators or ramps "that are unwatchable - Judgement Stefano Menini eponymous tobacconist - with pieces of concrete falling, spikes and neglect. It is already difficult to attract people and visibility, with this card everything is complicated. We, of course, we cater especially to residents and workers in the area, but it is not a mystery that recently the work has declined. The car parks are also a more sensitive issue because nothing has been done to improve the receptivity of an area that has a provincial buildings, supermarket, services, and, recently, even the game room. " Those who try to give the shock are Pronesti Jessica Morris and Pascal, a few months the bar owners "Manager". "First of all it would take a flight of stairs to access directly from the center of Via del Ronco walk around the complex because it is inconvenient for customers, but it is also a problem for suppliers. True, however, that the short passage led to the closure of many shops and galleries, many are used solely as a showcase. We work with a nice terrace and a number of open-air events that could revive the area. " Closure with those who know the flyover for 29 years: +-Alan Conti
zoom. BOLZANO. Feeling like an opportunity wasted. That 's what happens to traders and merchants of the overpass, "Europe" that dominates the intersection of Viale Europa Via del Ronco. Non-existent traffic, Good facility, district, with the possibility of even a couple of spaces available and galleries offer variety: all the requirements put on the table on the Councillor Thomas Widmann natural shopping center are a natural application here. Yet by the provincial offices, the solution is not even been explored, much less one has bothered to do promotional photos al bancone dei vari bar. Messi da parte i grandi progetti, dunque, i commercianti della sopraelevata si rivolgono al Comune per chiedere migliorie più contenute: dalla riqualificazione di rampe d'accesso vetuste e imbrattate all'organizzazione di più iniziative che possano attirare i bolzanini. Il tutto, inoltre, all'interno di un rione che deve trovare delle soluzioni per scollarsi di dosso l'etichetta di "dormitorio". La partenza, con i fratelli Ivan e Giuliano Prearo dell'omonima acconciatura, è caratterizzata da un evergreen bolzanino: «Il parcheggio. La mancanza è davvero totale e i pochi fazzoletti a disposizione sono insufficienti. Sarebbe bello, inoltre, che si facesse più attenzione alla pulizia generale, soprattutto on the outer walls. We are not against the graffiti of the boys, but would work much longer if placed in an art project staff, as done under the bridge Palermo. Positive, however, the visibility that we can have up Via del Ronco and the conformation of the commercial zone that allows you to work well. " The customer Gianni Nicoletti back to your arms on clean speech. "A real shame because it would be enough just to restore luster to the overpass. The layout of stores, also should be redesigned to encourage the influx of more Bolzano. Nearby, from the bar "Le Bistro", Antonio D'Onofrio says what it means to work on a higher plane than the rest of the city. "People never goes out of here by accident, but is looking for you. Logical that this leads to a focus on quality, service and education to be more pronounced than the roads passing through. I can not explain, however, because our taxes should be identical, for example, the cafeteria where the transit is continuous. It would be nice, however, that administrators were once on a tour around here and study the possibility of organizing some event in a altogether favorable. We, however, we can put our success and the special Christmas lights shows that, sometimes, private initiative is rewarded. " "The only market that is organized - Antonio Palladino spoke from a table - is downright ugly and sloppy. The City begins to invest the money to clear the written now present for many years. " To reach the top, however, you must take the escalators or ramps "that are unwatchable - Judgement Stefano Menini eponymous tobacconist - with pieces of concrete falling, spikes and neglect. It is already difficult to attract people and visibility, with this card everything is complicated. We, of course, we cater especially to residents and workers in the area, but it's no secret that lately the work has fallen. The car parks are also a more sensitive issue because nulla è stato fatto per migliorare la recettività di una zona che conta palazzi provinciali, supermercato, servizi e, da poco, persino la sala giochi». Chi prova a dare la scossa sono Jessica Pronesti e Morris Pascal, da pochi mesi titolari del bar "Manager". «Prima di tutto ci vorrebbe una rampa di scale d'accesso direttamente dal centro di via del Ronco perché percorrere tutto il complesso è scomodo per i clienti, ma rappresenta un problema anche per i fornitori. Vero, invece, che il poco passaggio ha determinato la chiusura di molto negozi e nelle gallerie molti sono utilizzati unicamente come una vetrina. Per questo lavoriamo a un dehors curato e a diverse iniziative all'aperto che possano ravvivare la zona». Chiusura con chi la elevated for 29 years knows: Sonia Arcuri "Mode Sonia." "Over the years the situation has changed dramatically, with at least 15 shops have closed. Shoot the fruit and vegetables, the Scarborough and neighborhood businesses. Clothing, for example, I was the only one. Evident that the aging of the quarter is tangible and its conformation dorm increasingly pronounced. Despite the strong presence of a service plan to Via del Ronco, which also includes a supermarket and pharmacy, little or nothing is done to us. We are not asking a lot: it is sufficient, for example, a Christmas tree in town or some particular event. We, finally, we propose a definite advantage: there would be no road to be closed to traffic
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