“Bolzano è di chi ci abita”. L’hanno scritto sugli striscioni e annunciato nei megafoni, richiamando valori come convivenza democratica, rispetto e, inevitabilmente, antifascismo. Sono arrivati in 400 ieri pomeriggio per rispondere all’invito dell’Anpi, degli Studenti Consapevoli e dei partiti della sinistra a dire che Bolzano non tollera la calata dei neofascisti in difesa di monumenti che devono, definitivamente, imboccare la strada della storicizzazione. Inutile negarlo, comunque, che tutta la manifestazione ha vissuto con il convitato di pietra di “Casapound”e le notizie in arrivo dalle piazze Mazzini e Vittoria, fino al paradossale contatto visivo lungo Corso Libertà. La strada nel cuore di Bolzano, cut in two by media and police in riot control and plunged into a tense silence and unreal, was the iconic image of a tough day for the city at once relegated to the atmosphere of a few decades ago. Some Bolzano has even been prevented from passing on the other side of the course because the hair too long or a particular clothing could be a provocation to the procession of "Casapound.
The meeting of the event in the early afternoon, however, marked the official dedication of the plaza outside the offices of University Hospital in via Innerhofer Franz, a teacher victim of fascist murder April 24, 1921. The bridge antifascist however, was thrown in with the intergenerational Anpi alongside the students aware. "For us it is very important - said the president of the South Tyrolean Lionello Bertoldi - dealing with young people because now it's up to defend their values \u200b\u200band achievements of the Constitution of the partisan struggle. Today we have the city overrun by neo-fascists who debase the foundations of democracy in order to identify wrecks that should be kept in history. We must, instead, enhance our autonomy as an equal exchange and know us as the right to self-government ". "Never again fascism-echoes the counterpart Sandro Schmidt Trentino - Alto Adige, Italy and Europe. It's about time certain organizations such as Casapound were considered outlaws rather than allowing their mournful marches on monuments of the past. "side, as mentioned, rises the voice of the students aware, represented by James Gatti." What an ugly note that there are people who puts their identity sad relics of marble set in with great suffering and without any respect for the personality of the individual. We are only here to tell us proud of our democratic life. "Microphone well Gasser Joachim of Antifa Meran:" Only here Italians and Germans together can defend their right to live, without seeing the descent of incivility from other regions of Italy ". At the head of the procession, which was then mosso in direzione piazza Adriano lungo via Dante e viale Druso, si è posizionato il consigliere comunale Guido Margheri (Sel). "La cattiva notizia è che i neofascisti sono arrivati in città, la buona è che i bolzanini della nostra manifestazione sono dieci volte tanto quelli dell’altra". Durante lo spostamento, inoltre si sono aggiunti il sindaco Luigi Spagnolli e l’assessore provinciale Christian Tommasini che hanno testimoniato la loro solidarietà. "Questa è la vera manifestazione – le parole del primo cittadino – mentre dall’altre parte non ci sono i bolzanini". Presenti, tra gli altri, pure rappresentanti di Verdi, Idv, Prc oltre alle bandiere rossonere e i fumogeni lanciati dai gruppi anarchici Bolzano, Merano and Trento. Many, also, placards and banners against live across, ranging from "Fascists on Mars" to "Casapound outlaws", through a nice drawing of the hero of Super Mario Bros games, crushing the turtle, a symbol of the organization right. As a corollary, also flying the many drums and songs of the classic tradition of the Italian left as "Hello Beautiful" and "Red Flag". The collection, in short, is the strong political polarization that has characterized many of the past event, but that has not been seen in Bolzano for a while '. "It makes one weep to see what is happening to us today city: a step back that is frightening, "the declaration of a former militant. A power strip as well, punctuated by the constant questions about the various mobile positioning, number and location of the other parade. Clima heavy consisted, as mentioned, Course in the absurd division of Freedom with the two sides to look so surreal and the police intent not to move even a pin. This attitude has sent into a rage several Bolzano Fadil as Rita: "I have to go to a shop near the square Mazzini and I do not have to pass because they claim that my clothes and my hair are a provocation to Casapound. Absurd. "Of the same tenor of the complaints decine di bolzanini, anche estranei alla manifestazione. Rimane sulla siepe, in mezzo al guado, un ultimo striscione simbolico: “Bolzano è di chi ci abita”.
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