BOLZANO. Sewage, excrement and toilet paper from the sewers directly nell'Adige. From 4 days to download a pipe bridge Adige river in the black water, without prior treatment. Fault - according to surveys made by the division guardiapesca foreste e dall'ufficio tutela delle acque - a lavori di manutenzione della stazione di pompaggio delle acque reflue di "Ecocenter" nel Comune di Appiano. Un'operazione capace di alterare in poco tempo l'equilibrio naturale della riva dell'Adige. Lo scarico a cielo aperto, denunciato dai pescatori dell'associazione bolzanina "Fishheads", ha preso in contropiede gli uffici provinciali, assolutamente all'oscuro di una scelta che, come minimo, doveva essere condivisa da due comuni: Bolzano e Appiano. I liquami nell'acqua, inoltre, oltre ad essere assolutamente poco igienici e men che meno decorosi, rappresentano una minaccia per alcune specie di pesci come la trota marmorata. Il primo ad accorgersi dello scarico fognario diretto nelle acque del fiume è State, yesterday morning, the president of "Fishheads" Alex Losa, "I was just fishing at the pit that leads nell'Adige when I realized that this flow of excrement, toilet paper and towels plentiful proportions that was thrown in the River. I was literally disgusted. In the whole area is also a good smell lingers as easy to imagine. It is not the first time, however, that my colleagues and I notice fishermen discharges "special" at that point, but un'inciviltà like we had never even assumed. The jet, in fact, is continuous and not hard to see how it can damage the ecosystem and environment the fish. " The provincial guardiapesca Alois Tratter is rushed to the scene as soon as it reached the alert. "To do the work in the service of pumping dell'Ecocenter - his analysis - the workers had to leave all discharges into the river and they are doing. We do not know anything and frankly, after discovering that it is a drain that has gone on Friday, we are very surprised by the solution. There are also times when a drain is only water, but perhaps you could consider a better solution to prevent the sewers directly nell'Adige ended. " Confirms the analysis and permits the void Alessandro Pascoli, technical protection of water received from the office of the Province. "I do not know if they have received permission from the municipality, but certainly we were not informed of the intention to dispose of the sewage directly nell'Adige. From the environmental point of view, however, do not throw too many alarms because they are domestic water that, as smelly and unhygienic, lack of industrial oil and not much alter the situation on the river. " Yeah, but toilet paper, sanitary napkins, and human excrement are not certain aspects of an embankment. "True - ends of Appa responsible for protection of waters Ernesto Scarperi - and the checks will be made accurate. Of course, we can confirm that our office did not know anything about this exhaust in place. We will try to shed light around a choice at least debatable. " (C)
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