BOLZANO. The presence of foreigners in South Tyrol increases from year to year, but political considerations, in their view, does not grow. For once, then, immigrants have crossed their arms they should count more in the legislative process that, in the Province, are leading to new legislation (Law on the house and immigration). A request with a long event, featuring the music (several protests by residents for excessive noise) and coordinated by the Network for the rights of the voiceless ", which was held yesterday in the square of the exhibition in the heart of city. The low involvement of the associations and municipalities do not like the non-EU seeking clarification to the Democratic Party has always been considered close, and accused of lack of transparency. All'iniziativa hanno partecipato il sindaco Luigi Spagnolli e l'assessore alle politiche sociali Mauro Randi. All'apertura ufficiale presenti, invece, rappresentanti di Sel, Rifondazione e Verdi. «Non capisco - esordisce Mani El Houssin - per quale motivo sia stato soppresso l'osservatorio sugli stranieri». Guarda agli organi rappresentativi anche Adim Qassaoui: «La nostra consulta è troppo debole. Il semplice potere consultivo, infatti, è utile solo alle forze politiche per imbellettarsi e ci priva di qualsiasi incisività». Un occhio alla scuola, invece, lo lancia Shaheer Adejid. «Si concede poco spazio allo studio delle nostre culture d'origine, mentre l'educazione civica è ancora materia troppo sottovalutata in Italy. For adults, however, demands a thorough knowledge of the language to renew residence permits, but then not to organize any type of course that can help us. Never mind, in addition, discrimination in the distribution of the subsidy house. " Anas Old speaks directly to the provincial government calling for "a technical report on the law that they intend to enact. The basis of this new regulation are far from our reality. " To be close, however, is often the voluntary sector. "No doubt - confirmation Abdella Gaminami - many organizations are for us a reference point. Politics, perhaps, it should give them more space. The province, moreover, tends to centralize all decision-making power into their own hands, delegating too little to municipalities that, let's face it, are able to listen to real institutions. " Ceremonies of the event coordinators Elisa Pavone, Lara Theodora and the chairman of the Network for the rights of the voiceless "Amir Sadeghi. "We have drawn up a draft, where we list the basic principles that we would like to see fulfilled in the new law and some proposed amendments. The platform was read with great interest by the former provincial councilor Barbara Repetto, Roberto Bizzo instead we heard, but only a formality since then did what he wanted. " Sadeghi's words are quite sharp and pointed straight to the heart. "Today cashed the support of unions, many associations, artists, musicians, teachers, much of the left, but lacks the Democratic Party. We ask that we clarify their intentions towards us. The commissioner Bizzo, for example, moves in a policy agreed by the party and we do not share or is a free server with full delegation on the issue? In the second case, then what is there to explain their section to foreigners. In this drawing there are too many contradictions. " Among the participants, however, some Italian as well as check and Francesco Serafini Luca Ciriello: "Just support the foreign demand greater consideration." A sign, finally, reports of figures speak for themselves: "In 2008 the GDP of the Province of Bolzano was composed of 8, 8% of wealth derived from foreign occupation, amounting to 3.7 billion euro (Caritas Data). Services for immigrants, however, were financed with 700 million. "
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