March 1, 2011 - page 20 Section: Commentary
BOLZANO. What, then, the fish at risk due to direct discharge of wastewater nell'Adige? "We take the trout - answers Alex Losa President deòò'associazione fishermen Fishhands -. If you were to get it into the gills that crap would die in no time. Not only that, we are used to eating fish near the bank of small insects or worms that could approach the black water and finally strangled or poisoned. Not to mention that for the fishermen is not nice throw the bait, the spoon and pull up or down, once out of three pieces of toilet paper. " Finally, there is an aspect of education: "With our" Fishheads "- concludes Losa - do excursions with sick children to send them the beauty of harmony with nature. However, when we are in the presence of these operations, regular or not they are, we are embarrassed because we can not teach them respect when they will tolerate certain incivility. " ©
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