February 22, 2011 - page 37 Section: Agenda
BOLZANO. Put a piece of the Kremlin by way of Rome and will be a success. What sounds like a provocation in a city already struggling to run their own, monuments, it becomes really nice at the bar "Matryoshka" that a little over three months is a real Soviet outpost in Bolzano, in the clearing right before the bridge to Rome . The idea came to Nadiya Tsurkan, Ukrainian immigrant and member of the Consulta City: «Ho pensato che in città ancora non esisteva un negozio che offrisse specialità e delizie russe, così con il mio compagno Franco Cofone abbiamo aperto un bar con queste caratteristiche. In fondo portiamo un po’ della nostra terra qui da voi e in cambio riceviamo parecchio entusiasmo».
D’accordo, ma cosa dovrebbe indurre un bolzanino ad avventurarsi nel mondo gastronomico della Grande Russia?
«Le opportunità sono diverse. Partendo dalla più scontata, infatti, direi la vodka di ogni tipo e gusto: dal peperoncino alle classiche con la frutta, senza trascurare la liscia, evergreen tra il popolo di Putin. Particolarmente ricercati, invece, sono i latticini o i salami, ma anche il caviale rosso e nero is certainly among the most appreciated. Space, finally, to chocolates and sweets of various kinds. "
E 'here, in fact, check the box with the needles of Red Square.
"I must say - continues Tsurkan - that the relationship with the Bolzano is really exciting because the curiosity and open-mindedness are extraordinary. The Germans know our products more easily because their markets are more common, but the Italians did not disdain to give it a try. "
satisfaction must be tangible if Gordei Maia and Alex Perto go to recommend the tortellini Russians who counts on the territory of Romagna ... "True - laugh - but the pasta is very different, so it pays to try them. You can not put in competition because it is basically two very different dishes. "
not forget, however, that the sign reads "bar" Matryoshka and the characteristics of the classic local home should be respected.
"I live nearby - says Yuli Kalvin - and I am very well here. Russian besides the environment, in fact, the classic coffee is good. " Among the tables
meet Marika Gardasanik: "We live in an apartment above and when they opened the Matrioska we were very happy. "Finally, something different," we thought. The chocolates Soviet however, are a delight, and not to underestimate the human affection that you get to this bar. It 'was a stroke of good fortune to have it all on the doorstep. "
groped For those who want the gastronomic adventure, however, the appointment shall be: "Every Friday - Nadiya claims - we organize a small buffet for guests. This is a non-binding proposal, in order to allow the sample to those who do not want to just buy a box full of various products. Try a new experience, however, can be a valid reason for approaching the Russian culture. Many, moreover, are attracted by Russia as a destination for their holidays e per noi, chiaramente, è un grande piacere poter parlare della nostra terra con chi ha interesse a visitarla. In questo modo ci sentiamo più vicini a casa».
Alan Conti
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