23 febbraio 2011 — pagina 34 sezione: Agenda
BOLZANO. Connettere volunteering at the school with a policy booklet. The intent of the Federation for the social and health that has unveiled a new publication entitled, precisely, "Volunteering and school." A set of initiatives, numbers, patterns, information and useful examples as an important compass for kids who want to approach the social world. In our province, in fact, more than 3,300 nonprofit organizations, with 180,000 people working as volunteers in various capacities, which represents about 42% of the population (in Europe you stop at 28%). This force to help even 12% is made up of young people: a promising reservoir. The national surveys, moreover, indicate in boys between 17 and 26 years involved in voluntary work a positive attitude toward themselves and others, a positive influence in the development of self-esteem and personal identity.
master of ceremonies and the presentation of the work is Terzariol Simon, head of social service volunteering: "The volume is a summary of a decade long experience and many young people in this field. Obviously, we have added some personal accounts, but without losing sight of the scientific work, as well as the audience of teachers who can play a decisive role in targeting young people. It will definitely be distributed in all schools. It 'important to remember, however, as volunteering is a route that requires counseling for those who confronted him at a young age. " Agree on the chairman of the foundation Stefan Hofer and collaborator Claudia Ceccanese: "Our intention is basically to offer new opportunities." Strategically decisive role, of course, is played by the school, Italian and German. "These activities - have explained the Superintendent Italian Nicola Chiaromonte Minnei el'ispettrice Maria Rita - should be supported because they fall perfectly into the path of growth of individual students. No coincidence that we are studying a system of credits awards time e delle energie che vengono spese in questo campo dai ragazzi».
Scelta apprezzata anche dall’Intendenza tedesca, rappresentata alla conferenza stampa di presentazione da Brigitte Regele e Veronika Pfeifer. «Creare questa connessione con il mondo scolastico è certamente positivo, così come va salutato con piacere il fenomeno delle collaborazioni dei singoli istituti in autonomia con le associazioni locali». Testimonianza diretta arriva da Daniel Prusco di “Volontarius”. «Rispetto a qualche anno fa siamo molto contenti di constatare come siano molte più le scuole che ci contattano direttamente rispetto a quelle dove siamo noi ad andare a presentarci. Un’evoluzione importante e positiva». Chiusura con Antonella Diano and Robert Vincent of "Positiv Pro." "We take care of patients with HIV and experience firsthand the discomfort of some young in the approach to this type of disease. There are still taboo strong and to fight against ignorance. " ©
Alan Conti
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