Alan Conti
zoom. BOLZANO. The certification language must have, even in the province, the same dignity of the license. E 'strong message coming from the round table organized by the' Azb "the other morning at the hotel" Laurin "which brought together in a crowded room some between the highest representatives of certification bodies in Europe. A reality, the South Tyrol, which he sees as the equivalence point of arrival, but still struggles to make a start. Missing, in fact, clear information about alternative offers, as well as continuing the mechanism by which documents recognized across Europe, should be signed and stamped by the office in Bolzano province. The other day also, the signing of the Agreement between the Province and the language center of Lub university town that will also recognize the validity of certificates. On the horizon, meanwhile, stands out the new issue of language test for immigrants. The first strong stance comes from Oskar Putzer, professor at the University of Innsbruck and the representative of the German certification Telc: "We have to get the license from the monopoly, but without coming to another that stands as the only alternative certificate issued by the Goethe Institut": the landscape is vast. The design of the study of languages, in addition, in recent years is shifting towards greater communicative competence than the mere individual knowledge and linguistic modernity that is perhaps not entirely belongs to the examination office bilingualism. " Pointed to the involvement of the Bolzano Gianni Lanzinger that followed in the first case Angonese that gave rise to reflection on the equivalences. "In South Tyrol, we must ensure genuine libera circolazione dei lavoratori, con più cultura e meno burocrazia. Evidente come l'obbligatorietà, comunque, di passare attraverso la vidimazione dell'ufficio bilinguismo delle singole certificazioni rappresenti di per sé una limitazione forte alla libertà. Non è un caso che la sentenza "Angonese" abbia attirato l'attenzione di tutta Europa, ma ci sono voluti dieci anni per arrivare all'equipollenza che, di fatto, veniva già sancita da un dispositivo eloquente. Necessaria, inoltre, una sburocratizzazione delle pratiche». La lingua italiana, chiaramente, è ovvia coprotagonista del patentino e gli enti certificatori, in questo caso, si chiamano "Dante Alighieri" e "Cils". «Mi chiedo - interviene Massimo Arcangeli, scientific director of the Dante Alighieri "- how it is possible that a girl in the province of Bolzano degree in Italy after an Italian schooling, bilingualism should be told that the office must demonstrate his skills in his own language. It is a testimony that was submitted directly to our offices: an anomaly which should be remedied. " Siena, however, came the rector of the University for Foreigners of the University and Professor Massimo Vedovelli Tuscan Monica Barni, representing the 'Cils':' It is important that the European framework is becoming increasingly important because here, as throughout the country, yet lacks a culture and strong roots of the language. " Just the Italian agencies, moreover, are having to deal with the language tests for immigrants, an issue at the center of the provincial policy on foreigners. "The important thing - the view of the Archangels - is that there is uniformity and standardization across all regions of the country." "The uniformity - echoes Vedovelli - is crucial, but what puzzles me to this solution is the complete lack of testing on the table of discussion, the chapter on the training of these people." If the certification within the German Tyrolean schools still struggling to break through, far better to be British counterparts. 'E' also a matter of culture - explain Robert Hill and Rosalind Hunter, representative of "City & Guilds" - and we are very pleased that in your reality about 70% of children of primary succeed in securing an initial certification at the end of the fifth. It is not, of course, a certificate to be shown immediately on the job, but is useful for obtaining a certain mentality. " Closure Maria Luisa Cama, director of 'Azb ":" We wanted this roundtable because we realized that in South Tyrol there is still need for clarity. There are many, in fact, people who come to us with confused ideas: we ask that the public body will help us in this task. "
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