BOLZANO. "Ten more years in these conditions we have no intention of passing them." It 'a veiled ultimatum what transpires in the words of Ingrid Pertoll Froner, director of the school "von Aufschnaiter" and the entire school district in Bolzano-German Center. In mid-December, in fact, teachers and pupils had staged a colorful protest against the dilapidated state besetting the institution on Via Leonardo da Vinci: to school with all the protective helmet or bicycle helmet. Smiles, yes, but also a growing concern about the security level at the bearable limit, with windows of the gym that lifts up to fall to the ground. Not much has since changed. The only significant progress has been made in terms of some useful work to ensure a minimum level of security within the building. "City and County - says the director Pertoll Froner - have agreed to the jurisdiction of the financing of the work, went to the Province, and after the protest have contacted us shortly. Frankly, we could think to continue operations neglecting the safety of school children, teachers and staff: absolutely impossible. " Here, then, that some works were started: "Obviously in the gym, where the fall had scared all of the window." The protest, however, was not targeted solely to obtain a minimum level of livability, but ranged over the whole structure is dilapidated today have not changed much. "I wanted to personally - still the president - to avoid egregious actions such as strikes or classes of students. We therefore sought to maintain a pedagogically appropriate attitude that has enabled us to open a dialogue with the government that goes pretty well. " In Piazza Municipio, In fact, instances have been heard in the Pertoll Ladinser and Deputy Mayor Judith nell'assessore Peintner Kofler: "I have explained the bureaucratic mechanisms that bind our possible shift away behind Vintola in negotiations with the Franciscan Fathers. It is not easy to resolve property issues in a short time. We appreciate the sincere interest of the City Government in speaking with us and their willingness to resolve once and for all the inconvenience and our families. " So far sugar for the administration, however, after speaking will have to move on to more difficult to answer. "I say five years - continues the peremptory ruling - because it would be the minimum time through negotiations with the Franciscan Fathers past, but in truth I fear that the system may last a decade. Here, everyone knows that the school have outdated floor coverings, bathroom renovation and art classrooms in which filters the rainwater. The framework, in short, can not be comforting, and certainly, while not wishing to abandon the path of dialogue, we are not willing to wait so long before we see things improve dramatically. " That the address where the work is to knock Palazzo Widmann is confirmed by the municipal public works commissioner Luigi Gallo: "We at" Von Aufschnaiter "we no longer even planting a nail because the power is totally provincial. What it is for the municipality, if anything, is the answer to the question sheet with the Franciscan Fathers for the transfer of teachers and students in the structure behind Vintola away. " Cautious, but with well-lit radar are also parents who, by the mouth of the representative Barbara Rottensteiner, following the evolution of the situation. "We know of macrointerventi to safety that are the minimum that can be expected in a place frequented by young people. In the coming days I will meet the leaders and other parents: together we will decide what further action should be taken to protect our children, teachers and all those working within the "von Aufschnaiter", "Barbara concludes Rottensteiner. It remains a reality that is sad, especially when compared to the huge resources for school buildings that are placed throughout the Province of South Tyrol.
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