BOLZANO. "Among the only ones opposed to the doubling Bolzano dell'arginale are in town." Bolzano I want a second lane along the embankment, without much hesitation. The competition with assistance from the tunnel on Route 12, also appears only as an excuse: time, place users and too different to be truly comparable and agree to make a work and the other is not. The province that stretches the tray with the funding and the City that sends it back, also is seen as yet another episode of an institution paralyzed, unable to step on the path of the great works. The reality could be doubled from two years, it would be feasible between the two, but in the meantime you could start immediately with the reopening of Viale Trento. "The traffic is crazy - the words of Hadaj Shkelqim -. The doubling is absolutely necessary before we realize the better. " From the bar, "Johnny's" involved in Via Roma, resolute, Luigi Orsolin. "The second lane was to be implemented two years ago and still we are here to ask whether or not to build it. It makes no sense, also put in the alternative variant of the SS12 because now we all know that these ponds, paths, and different users, without considering that the time would be much longer. Even financially, for once, let alone work in opposition because it would be a paid by the Province and the other dall'A22. The last chronic inconsistency, finally, is the stubbornness of wanting to leave Trent Avenue closed to traffic. " Massimiliano Fugar takes it all: "Let the dual carriageway as well as galleries. We must find a way to relieve urban traffic, without continuing to hide and no real reasons for delay. " Agree Flora Maria Kruger and Gigi Mange bar "Giuliano, the bandit." "The mayor, of course, has no idea how the embankment. We can not believe, in fact, anyone who passed at least once in the street can call it acceptable. Revenue and expenditure are at the limit of safety, trade and hazardous road exaggerated. Not only that, in the case of pile-up is to ask where they can get relief, it's all too narrow. The administration has abandoned the people on the road to suit its political balance inside which also includes the closure of Trent Avenue. They want to make the galleries on SS12? Well, as long as they do complete the outset. " Some reserve più al raddoppio dell'arginale sembra alzarsi da via Claudia Augusta, già fortemente penalizzata da smog e inquinamento. «Con tutto il traffico dell'autostrada - interviene Ennio Grossi, residente di Oltrisarco - cosa volete che cambi una corsia in più? Evidentemente se il Comune ha tutte queste riserve per il nostro rione è perché il tanto sbandierato interramento dell'A22 non rientra veramente tra le priorità». Remo Zandonella propone un ragionamento molto semplice. «Il traffico a Bolzano è insostenibile. Vedere molte auto in coda, inoltre, aumenta la sensazione di disagio, quindi varrebbe la pena di adoperarsi per trovare delle soluzioni immediate piuttosto che rimandare. Non sfruttare gli aiuti provinciali, inoltre, is a sin and yet we could hardly justify the mayor complaining of the few funds to the capital. " Ivana Cappello snaps: "Via Roma is bursting. If there is money we must act now. " (A.. C) 24 February 2011 Other content
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