BOLZANO. Where there had to be there will be a green building? Merchants and residents via Hofer lines up alongside the Compact City in confrontation with the Province on the fate of the car park behind the museum of natural sciences. Nobody trusts the promises of Palazzo Widmann to review the project. "It would be much better to rely on a new green space - no doubt Angelika Gasser - since in this area there are far too few. The street runs Goethe recently inaugurated by the District, for example, is heavily used by residents and meets a need. The Talvera can not be considered sufficient to reject any other proposed public park. " "It's obvious - Mantovani Nicholas intervenes - as the provincial administration has at heart the fate of a structure that has the potential to attract many tourists. Too often they forget who this road daily lives and in need of interventions that might improve the quality of life. No wonder even more, however, that the City and County have ideas for development different, although it would be desirable to find some single line. We talk, for example, a car park it is today: a disordered distribution of stalls that more than once led to disputes between the owners of the car. " Andrea Skilagyi try to put some stake: "Very good, the green zone, but it is walkable and usable by people. It makes no sense to create a piece of land inaccessible for Bolzano. In this area, moreover, we need these spaces and the planning commission has done well to reject the solution proposed change of use by the Province. " He enrolled in the party of the building, however, Ottavio Gaioni: 'It's true that today along the road there are several sites, but these are works that have been stalled for too long because of bureaucratic complications. It was just speeding up processing as soon as they have had the chance. The same square former distributor can safely be given to the building: we are full of green even in the outskirts of town, not the space to make a difference. " It is the light to make a distinction for Konrad Daum, owner of bookshop "Mardi Gras". "The City should think about intervening on lighting. In the evening it is too dark for us, but by the offices in charge we were told that no money for this posting. Not to mention that there are sections of sidewalk and the street itself Mills that have become un bagno a cielo aperto per i cani, senza alcun tipo di pulizia. Ho visto padroni che li lasciano urinare sulle porte d'entrata dei condomini». Il vicino Manfred Seyr dell'omonima attività chiede che la riqualificazione «porti un parcheggio sotterraneo e un fazzoletto verde. Questa strada ha bisogno di questi due elementi per migliorare. Peccato, invece, che ci sia poco transito di pedoni». Importante la voce della Circoscrizione, per bocca del presidente Rainer Steger (Svp) e del consigliere Generoso Rullo (Pdl), allineati sulle stesse posizioni. «Il rione ha bisogno di verde, quindi abbiamo votato all'unanimità a favore del progetto comunale e non ci piace affatto la svolta provinciale. Il parchetto di via Goethe, per esempio, è was a success for the green areas that need to nourish the area, but we know that part of the area could be handed over to private schools "Von Aufschnaiter" part of the reorganization of institutions. We all rebel in this progressive erosion of spaces for families. Not to mention, finally, that the area of \u200b\u200bthe square was purchased by the province to 300,000 € for not building it and the change of use would increase the value, a move not so nice. " (C)
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