February 26, 2011 - page 42 Section: Agenda
BOLZANO. The door to door work, for culture. The marketing operation which enshrined the vacuum cleaners found a successful well in terms of supply of museums, art shows and town. A certificate is the first numbers coming from the provincial project culture 'From Via Cagliari' in just 15 days, in fact, are already 150 completed questionnaires compared with a similar quantity of free tickets offered. The responses received from operators will clearly feed into a useful statistic to track the demand of a popular cultural as Don Bosco and a symbolic way as a way Cagliari. Expectations and needs, therefore, are found numerous and extend a smile inside of the curators of the project and the provincial offices. "We're well beyond the most optimistic expectations - in the words of Sergio Camin, creator and curator of the initiative - so much so that the platform of the little information we have included innovation in the communication markets in cooperation with minimal Confesercenti.
is not, however, the classic leaflets among the stalls: sport much practiced among politicians in search of crosses. "No - Camin says - we have included the prices and indications of some benches signs devoted to the various cultural offerings." At the first positive reaction of the traders themselves were followed by the approval of customers, so enthusiastic suggest a replica made in other city markets.
The promotional campaign, we recall, is part of the project "School House Culture Haus" the councilor that has as objective the search for new avenues for cultural promotion of a territory that, on the supply side, has has little to envy to other European countries. The door to door in Via Cagliari, therefore, did not invent anything new in the use of commercial techniques of "direct" and "multilevel" but what has convinced Bolzano was clearly conveyed over the novelty of the product , no use denying it, the complimentary ticket offered under the inclinations of each individual famiglia. «Quel ticket - precisa Camin - non va inteso come un regalo per averci aperto la porta. Tutt’altro: è proprio la prima chiave che serve ad avvicinare il pubblico a certe manifestazioni, rompendo un primo grande ostacolo che è quello di convincere le persone a uscire di casa per un evento culturale». Dall’uscio di casa alla bancarella della spesa la morale di fondo è sempre la stessa: la cultura che bussa nella vita quotidiana. In 150 hanno già scelto di aprirle la porta.
Alan Conti
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